Friday, September 29, 2006

So, I just got back home from working out at Goodlife with my cousin Helen. I decided I'd workout legs today, so I started off with squats. Well, things started off good, pushing those quads and gluts until I notice a small tear in my pants, right in the crotch. My shorts are kind of old, and it always tears there, and I always have to stitch them back up again. Well, it's just a small hole, so I continue working out hoping nobody notices. I keep doing the squats, and after my last set, when all of a sudden I feel a draft riding up my shorts. I turn around to check my arse in the mirror, and there's a HUGE tear across my shorts. The tear literally goes across the entire backside of my shorts, and my arse is just sticking out. I just got home and measured how long the tear is, and it's 14 inches long. I really don't know how I did that to my shorts. Anyways, I decided to cut my workout short and show Helen what happened to my shorts. She saw the hole in my shorts and just wouldn't stop laughing. Thanks a lot there Hel. Thanks for understanding my incredibly embarassing situation. In conclusion, my arse is just getting way too big.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Phew! Finally finished the first Harry Potter book. What a long read that was. It seems like the books get longer and longer. I think I'm gonna have to just rent the movie for the next one.

On another note, I've just noticed I've been blogging for over a year now. Happy anniversary blogger!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

I effin hate mowing the lawn. I finally decide to get off my lazy arse of doing nothing and mow the jungle of weeds outside of my house otherwise known as my lawn. Well, I'm definitely partially to blame for my lawn getting so out of control, but that's not the point. So I'm mowing the lawn, and everything going nicely when the back left wheel stops turning. Not only is it not turning on its own, powered by the motor like it's supposed to, but it's all jammed up and doesn't spin at all and just drags through the grass. I stop the motor and try to push the wheel back into place, and it starts to work for a bit. I continue mowing the lawn when the entire wheel breaks off the mower. What a pisser that was. I had to go to the garage and take the wheel off our old lawn mower to replace the broken wheel so that I could finish mowing the lawn. Anyways, that incident alone isn't that big a deal. But, considering last year, our lawn mower broke down completely and we just bought a brand new lawn mower last year. And this year, the one year old lawn mower stopped working and we had to bring it to the shop to get it repaired. It all just adds up and just gets really frustrating. I effin hate mowin the lawn.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Well yesterday was a fun day with family and friends. Ryan ol' bean is back from Conneticuit for the long weekend, so we decided to just hang out at his place for a bit. We didn't do much, but it was fun watching some stuff at his place and looking at pictures from his recent trip to London. Some of the pics aren't so bad, he doesn't look like a serial killer in all of them.

After spending time with Ryan was karaoke/bbq with the family. I met up with Andrew, Jeanne, Helen, Dave and Flora for some karaoke. Apparently Dave's got a secret talent for singing, that isn't so secret anymore. That guy can really belt out a tune. He's my vote for the next Canadian idol. The bbq was fun. It took forever to cook all of the food, and I was starving by 10 when we finally started eating. (singing really works up an appetite) Well, there was plenty of delicious food and I was stuffed by the end of it, so it was definitely worth the wait. Thanks to everyone who helped make the food, it was great. For people who know me, I try to stay away from kitchen duties and wasn't really involved in the food making process.

After the bbq I met up with some high school friends. Jon brought a special guest this time, Megan, who I've only met once before last night. Well, I showed up a little late, but it was nice of them to save some delicious cake for me. It was also a real surprise to find the seat beside Puja empty when I got there. Anyways, it was a lot of fun, but I'm not too sure what Megan thinks of me. I don't think she was too impressed when I said she wasn't quite a doctor, or when I said I'd try to swim to the surface of the water from a submarine, or when I said I'd start my own bobsled team to make it to the Olympics. Oh well, what can ya do eh?