Monday, January 29, 2007

So, the past weekend, I tried something new, so I thought I'd blog about it. I guess people have heard/been to Winterlicious, but I haven't been to it, until Saturday. Now, I've never been one for high end meals or fancy restaurants, but I figured it wouldn't hurt and it'd be nice to try some finer dining for a change. Anyways, this weekend, Flora, Helen, Dave and I went to some fancy shmancy (by my standards) restaurant called Celestin, so here's my attempt to be a food critic.

The duck fois gras appetizer was interesting. I've never had fois gras before, but it was unexpectedly creamy and smoothe. I also learned that ordering fois gras was not PC (politically correct), but I'd never tried it before and wasn't sure when I'd have a chance to try it again, so whatever. Portion size: too small.

The main meal consited of scallops (three to be exact) cooked in some way. I don't know anything about cooking, so I can't really comment on how it was cooked, but I can say that they were delicious. They were really soft, and cooked in some kind of tasty buttery sauce. Portion size: too small.

For dessert, I had some kind of chocolate mousse. It was really light and fluffy, and tasted amazing. Kind of like chocolate whipped cream, sooo good! Portion size: too small.

Anyways, I obviously know nothing about food, and I don't have the food channel, so that's all I got. Overall, I don't even want to think of how much the meal woulda cost if it wasn't a part of Winterlicious, and even though I ate a meal before hand, I was still starving afterwards and had to eat another meal, it was a good experience and I really enjoyed it. It was nice, but I don't think it's something I'd do often, except on Friday, we're going to another Winterlicious restaurant called Ultra. Stay tunned as I critique another restaurant a la Kwa.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Hokay, time for a new post! So, hope everyone had a nice holiday and a great new year. I had a nice holiday spent with family and friends. The one thing obviously lacking this holiday season is snow. For anyone living in the GTA, we're having a record breakinly warm winter. I think yesterday it was over ten degrees outside, I was walking around without a jacket on and was perfectly fine. It's kinda weird, as much as I hate waking up half an hour earlier to shovel my drive way, or walking through snow covered sidewalks, or driving one snow covered roads, I dunno, I guess growing up in Canada I expect a certain amount of snow in winter. It just isn't quite the same when there isn't even a single day of snowfall for the entire season. What's most disappointing is the lack of skiing this year. It's kinda been a tradition for my friends and I to get together and tear up the slopes at least once a year. True, most of us have been extra busy this year, and I'm not sure if we'd be able to get together anyways, but even if we did want to play a small trip to Blue Moutain, there's no snow there anyways. Skiing really is one of the things I look forward to during the winter, and it really sucks that I haven't even skied once yet. Ok, time to make plans for a trip to Tremblant! I'm gonna check their website to see what their snow conditions are like, right now!

On another note, on Friday I got together with Britta and Puja and some of Britta's friends. It was a lot of fun, it's always nice seeing them, and a whole bunch of other RHHSers that I don't see too often. Well it was fun, but the game of Cranium kind of went undecided. Even though my team sort of won (with my team who have never played Cranium before vs Britta's stacked team of Cranium elites), things kind of fell apart towards the end, so I won't count that as a win. Oh well, till next time!