Monday, March 19, 2007

So, I just got back yesterday from a fun weekend in Montreal. I took Thursday afternoon and Friday off work so that we could spend a little more time in Montreal. Allan and Michelle came over on Thursday afternoon, and we were off to my city of birth. Didn't do too much on Thursday, mostly just driving, with a stop off at the Big Apple. Got to our hotel, the Hyatt Regency at around 11:00 and just chilled/explored our hotel.

Woke up early on Saturday and walked around town for a bit. Unfortunately it was so effin cold and I forgot my toque at home, so after walking around for a bit I was getting a headache and it felt like my ears were gonna fall off. We made our way to Schwart's for lunch for some of Montreal's famous smoked meat sandwiches. I thought the sandwich was really good, but I think maybe I was expecting too much cuz it just wasn't quite the same as the first time I had smoked meat in Montreal. Anyways, it was still good, and Schwart's is supposed to be the best. After Schwart's, we went back to the hotel for a dip in the pool and little time in the sauna. After our swim, we got ready for our reservations at a really fancy restaurant called Toque. We got a little lost finding the restaurant which was pretty annoying, especially considering how cold it was out, but we eventually found it and they held onto our reservations. It was a really nice restaurant, and my raw scallop appetizer were particularly tasty. I had some grilled tuna for my main course, and some kind of white chocolate mouse for dessert. Was a nice meal.

Saturday we got up and had brunch at some bagel place. Montreal really do have some really good bagels. It was just so fresh and really tasty, I really enjoyed it. After brunch we hit the Montreal casino for possibly my worse run in casino history. It was a huge casino, and I guess cuz it was Saturday, and maybe cuz it was March break, the casino was really busy. There were no low bet tables for black jack, so I decided to play a little Sic Bo. Man, I lost $100 in about 15 minutes flat. I won one game out of maybe 10, and that was it for me and my gambling experience in Montreal. After the casino, we head out to some mall and did a little shopping. After shopping, we met up with Justin and Karen for a little dinner. After dinner, we got ready to go to Tokyo Club. It was fun. I haven't been clubbing in a while, but it was pretty busy and the music was all right.

Sunday, we packed up all our stuff and met up with Justin and Karen for lunch. After lunch, we pretty much drove back home, with another stop off at the Big Apple. And that's pretty much my weekend in Montreal, good times.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Raaaappttooooorrrss!! Jon, Nat, Chris and I went to watch the Toronto Raptors take on the Milwaukee Bucks on Friday night at the ACC. It's so disappointing the Raptors, the Eastern Conference, Atlantic division point leader lost to the Bucks who are tied with Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Charlotte who are second last in the conference. The score was a disappointing 81 ~ 94 loss. The Raptor's leading point scorer, Chris Bosh, just wasn't able to get the ball on Friday due to the double teaming. Bosh, who's been averaging approximately 22.8 points per game only got 14 points against the Bucks on Friday night. What a huge disappointment! Oh well, it was a really exciting game none the less!

I also got together with Eric and Neeta over the weekend. We had a very inexpensive Sunday evening consisting of buying food and bringing it home, and a night of games. We played a kind of nerdy game called Citadels. Yeah, I play nerdy games like Citadels, but at least I'm not afraid to admit it. Neeta on the other hand, let's just hope her coworkers don't find out about this blog and read this post.