Tuesday, July 10, 2007

All right, here goes nothing. My 11 day east coast trip in a nutshell.

Day 1:
On Thursday we picked up our car from the rental place at 8:00 am and did a little supply shopping and we were on our way. Our first stop was Rimouski in Quebec. It was something like a 12 hr drive, so we didn't do too much that night except sleep in our hostel.

Day 2:
Got up early and drove to through Gaspe to Forillon national park in Quebec. Honestly, that is one of the most beautiful places I've ever seen. The cliffs are enormous and they're just covered with trees and the ocean waves are crashing on the cliffs. We took a hike up to the top of the cliffs where they have an observation deck set up that raises above all the trees. From the top of the observation deck, you can see the entire peninsula and enless ocean all around it. It was really a site to remember. We did some more hiking and campted in the park where we saw a bear cub for a split second.

Day 3:
Got up and drove to Shediac New Brunswick. Shediac is known for having the warmest beaches in North America. We got to Shediac around dinner time, so we went to the warf and had seafood dinner. We camped in a provincial park right next to the beach.

Day 4:
Got up early to check out the beach. For lunch we went back to the warf where they sold a pound of cooked lobster for $10.00. We each had a pound and half of delicious lobster. Spent the afternoon just chilling on the beach. At night we went on a lobster boat tour where they explained to us how they catch lobster and the life of a lobster fisherman. They also taught us how to cook lobster and how to properly eat a lobster, the Acadian way. Then we had a lobster meal on the boat and got to practise eating a lobster like the Acadians do. Spent the night in Shediac.

Day 5:
Got up early and made our way to PEI. We drove across the bridge to get to the island. We set up our tent in Cavendish PEI. We went to Charlottetown to check things out. We had lunch in a small restaurant where they had the best fish and chips I've ever had, even beating out Old Galley. Then we took a tour of a museum that explains how confederation took place. It was actually very interesting to learn how Canada became a country. I remember learning about it in grade 8, but I really didn't remember any of it, it was a very educational experience. Then we went to a small exhibit where they had sculptures all made out of sand. For dinner, we had more lobster in the basement of a church called St. Anne's which was a pretty interesting experience. Spent the night camping in Cavendish.

Day 6:
Woke up early so that we could catch the ferry off PEI. We drove to Cape Breton which was another amazing national park. The hills are just so massive, and there's so many trees and so much wildlife, it was pretty incredible, not to mention the ocean all around. We went on a couple of hikes where we saw a moose. We watched the sunset over the ocean which was pretty neat. We camped somewhere in Cape Breton.

Day 7:
Got up early and went to Mark's Whale Watching Tour. It was such an amazing tour. We went in this small boat, and we saw so many pilot whales. There were groups of something like 16 whales, and they were about 2 feet away from our boat. They just kept going down, and coming back up for air, and it was just amazing. These whales are really small compared to other whales, but they still weigh around 3000 pounds. We also saw seals and eagles. We continued driving around Cape Breton and headed to Halifax. Got to Halifax and had dinner and drinks in the oldest pub in Halifax. Afterwards, we crashed in our hostel.

Day 8:
Woke up early and did some sight seeing in Halifax. We first explored some huge fort in Halifax. They never actually had to defend the fort, but it was a really impressive fort, and it would have been really hard to over take it. Then we went for a little walk along the coast and through down town and made a stop at Alexander Keith's brewery. We took a tour of the brewery. Then we went to port 21 which is a historic port where over 1,000,000 immigrants came to Canada in the last century. Afterwards we went for a little walk through Dalhousie campus. We crashed that night in the hostel.

Day 9:
You meet a lot of travellers when you stay in hostels, and we met this guy named Tobias from Denmark. He was heading to Toronto, but had to stay in Halifax cuz his luggage got lost on his flight. Anyways, since he was heading to Toronto, and our trip was almost done and were heading back to Toronto soon, Eric invited him to join us for the rest of our trip, which he did. So first we went to the casino in Halifax, where I lost $40. Then we did a little shopping and headed out to the Bay of Fundy. We set up our tents in Fundy and did a little hike and saw the tides.

Day 10:
Got up early and drove to Hopewell Rocks and walked around the beach during low tide. It's pretty amazing how the tides work in the Bay of Fundy, and the effects it had in the surrounding area. The rocks were pretty amazing. We walked around the beach during low tide, and were planning to rent kyaks and kyak around the rocks during high tide, but apprently they don't rent out kyaks there, they only have kyak tours. So we decided against that and drove back to a ranch and did some horseback riding instead. Spent another night camping in Fundy and did another hike to see the tides.

Day 11:
This was the last day of our trip, and we didn't do much except drive. We woke up at 4:00 am, and pretty much drove 16 hrs straight to get home. Dropped off Eric and Tobias, and got home dead exhausted.

So, that's my little east coast trip. I think we managed to see a whole lot of site, do a lot in a short period of time. Thanks to Eric for doing just about all of the planning, I really appreciate it. Honestly, it was a really amazing trip, and I still can't get over how many beautiful places there are to see in Canada. I also learned so much about Canada on the trip, and met so many interesting people travelling across Canada doing a very similar trip to our own. Everyone we met was so incredibly friendly, I gotta say, it really made me so proud to be a Canadian. I really think every Canadian should make a trip out to the east coast similiar to the one we did at some point in their life, it was definately a worth while and memorable experience.