Monday, May 29, 2006

Well, looks like summer's officially begun. The weather's getting warmer, Wonderland is open full time, people are finishing classes, summer is definately in the air. I kicked off this first summer weekend with a good start.

Well, two of my friends, Ryan and Gus, came for a visit this weekend. I guess cuz it's a long weekend in the states, people had that extra day off work to visit. On Saturday I met up with Ryan in the afternoon. We got a chance to hang out and just hear all of his crazy stories from Conneticut. Well, it looks like he's doing well and doing a lot of good work at his new job, so I'm glad for him. I went out for dinner with Ryan and a bunch of his friends, it was fun. After dinner I met up with Jimi at a sports bar to watch the UFC match. It was a pretty good match. I've only started watching UFC, but I'm really liking it. I'm starting to recognize some of the faces and names in UFC.

Sunday was the first official beach volleyball of '06. We had a pretty good turnout. A bunch of Andrew's/Jeanne's friends came, as well as Gus and Eric. It was a typical fun day at the beach. Spent the day relaxing in the sun and playing lots of vball. Only thing was it got kinda cloudy in the afternoon, and actually got kinda chilly, but it was all right. After vball, Gus, Eric and I met up with Neeta and Ryan for dinner. Now, I love/grew up eating at Swiss Chalet (sometimes I just need a good rotisserie chicken), but apparently Swiss Chalet wasn't good enough for Neeta's pallet, so we went to a place called Montana's instead. After dinner, Gus, Eric and I watched X3. I thought it was ok, similar to X1 and X2 if you ask me.

Summer has begun.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

So, the past weekend, my family and I decided to head down to the states to partake in my cousin's graduation from med school. There was a lot of driving going on this weekend. Thankfully it was all done by my older brother Andrew. My family are all spread across 5 states in the north eastern part of the states, so it took a while getting everyone together. Well, the graduation itself was really boring as expected, but it was nice getting together with the cousins. We mostly just ate out a lot and hung out like we usually do. One long weekend definately wasn't enough time to drive all the way to NYC and back, but it was fun.

On a different note, on one of the many car rides, my uncle put in a Burmese music video on the DVD player. First of all, I was really surprised when the song wasn't half bad. I guess Burma's adopted some of western pop music culture, and the song had a pop beat with Burmese lyrics. Very different from the Burmese songs I'm used to hearing at home that my mom plays. Second of all, since it was a music video, it kinda showed what Burmese people look like. Well, for me growing up, I've never quite known my nationality. My grandparents were all born in China, my parents were both born in Burma, and I was born in Canada. I've always considered myself to be Chinese Canadian, and definately not Burmese (that's now you say it btw, not Burmanese or Burmesium). Well, for my entire life, I don't think anyone's ever told me that I actually "look" Chinese. I tell people that I'm Chinese, and that's usually good enough, but no one has ever told me that I look like a typical China man. After watching that Burmese music video, it all started to make sense. The people in the music video just seemed to have a lot of similar characteristics. The eyes, the nose, the skin tone, it all looked very familiar in me and my family. All my life I've been rejecting the very dark skinned, kind of mix between brown and chinese part of myself, but maybe it's time that I begin to embrace my Burmese heritage?

Actually, the country Burma no longer exists. It's called Myanmar now, but it will always be Burman to me.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

So yesterday, Neeta and I went out for dinner. I kinda had an itching for steak, so we decided to go to the Keg. Man, I haven't been to that place in a long time, but I don't remember that place being so pricey. Well, the food was really good, and my steak was cook nicely (medium-rare, nice and bloody) and the twice baked potatoes were really good. I guess when you have a full time job and starting to make money you can afford going to nicer places once in a while. Next step would be buying nicer clothes once in a while.

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Friday was fun. Nat, Allan, my cousins and I went to Nat's fellowship bbq. It was fun, played some football and definately got my fill of hamburgers and hot dogs. We came over to my place after and played a little poker. Little Justin had a crazy night and took the pot.

It seemed like nothing was going right on Saturday. It took me almost two hours just to drive to Neeta's place. We had a whole afternoon planned at Eric's place, but I was so late that we ended only spending 1.5 hours at Eric's place before he had to leave. At least the mango smoothies were really good. Anyways, there was a lot of other stuff that pissed me off that day.

Well, today's mother's day. A shout out goes to my mom, who's always been there for me, but is always under appreciated by my brothers and I. I only hope I can be a son that she'd be proud of for today and for the rest of my life.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

Well, it's been a pretty physically demanding week for me. Friday was football, Saturday was tennis and basketball. Sunday I had a break, but watched baseball. I played tennis with Allan Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in preparation for the tennis match of the century (Allan and I vs Nat and Jer). Played volleyball with Nat on Tuesday. Worked out my arms on Wednesday. Today I might start my 2nd weekly pass at Goodlife. My legs are so tired.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

So, I had a fun weekend, this is how it played out. Jon came back from London on Friday, so we decided to play a little football in the evening. But, before playing football, there was a little match up in basketball that needed to be settled first. It was my cousin Mark and I versus the Rhee boys. I'm not too sure what happened, whether it was Jon's spring league training, or just my lack of skil in basketball, but the Rhees shut us out 3-0. Oh well, we'll have to have a longer game for a rematch. After basketball, a bunch of us played a bit of football. It was a lot of fun, except that my team lost something like 20 touchdowns to 5. Looks like it was just a losing night for the Kwas, and a dominating night for the Rhees. Man, I hate those Koreans!

On Saturday, Jon, Allan and I decided to play a little tennis in the afternoon. Tennis was all right, but it was kinda windy, so we decided to play basketball instead at my cousin's house. Basketball was fun. Some funny moments like Jon ripping the basketball from my 8 year old cousin's hand and taking it to the basket for a layup. Some people just don't know the meaning of sportsmanship. Played a couple of games, played a little HORSE, it was fun. After basketball, we went down town to meet up with KennyG for schwarmas and pizza. The schwarmas were all right, but nothing compared to the schwarmas in London. Didn't do too much at KennyG's place, mostly just hung out and watched some movies and stuff.

Sunday KennyG kicked us out for an early dragon boat practise. Jon, Allan, and I decided to go to dim sum for brunch. Dim sum was good as usual. I was an idiot and spilled my tea twice, Jon also ran into his future self about 20 yrs down the road. After dim sum, we picked up Cheryl and headed over to watch the Jay's game. It was a really good game, and lots of fun. Jays won 3-1. We got some free photos, got some free dolls that were supposed to be for kids under the age of 14. But it was all good cuz it was Asian heritage day at the SkyDome, so we could be as Asian as we wanted to be. After the Jay's game, I went out for dinner with some of Allan's friends. It was fun, we went to some Thai place. It was a good night except that Allan scratched his rims on the way home... sorry man, I know it hurts.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Yes! I finally got that retarded problem solved! And yeah, the problem was really retarded. But I guess with computers, the smallest problems are usually the hardest ones to find. Anyways, I'm actually pretty proud of myself for figuring it out. Throughout all of undergrad, I always took the easy way out with assignments. If I ever ran into any problems, I'd probably spend an hour tops trying to figure it out. I'd always just end up asking the T.A. or get a friend to help me out, and I guess I never really did anything on my own. This was the first time I was in a situation where I couldn't solve a problem, and no one was gonna bail me out of it. Well, I guess it wasn't that huge of a problem to begin with, and it seems like I'm making such a big deal over it, but for me, I guess it kinda is a big deal. I think right now I'll get something to eat and have a nice guiltless workout.

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Holy shize, has work got me frustrated! It's just one of those days where nothing is working is working the way it's supposed to. I wish I knew how to fix this problem, it's really pissing me off... Man, and it's so nice out, I wonna play some football. Does anyone here use Resin for their web application and knows how to upgrade to version 3.0 and wonna help a brotha out?

Monday, May 01, 2006

Well, I didn't have an exceptionally exciting weekend, but I was pretty productive. On Saturday I was busy at home doing spring cleaning. Includes sweeping the entire house since our vacuum is on the fritz and cleaning all the rooms. I even finally dusted my room and tidied up all of my clothes. Yesterday was a nice day out, so my brothers and I were all busy doing yard work. For anyone who doesn't know this about me, I absolutely hate doing yard work. I dunno who's bright idea it was of filling our entire house with all these ugly plants. Honestly, for anyone who's been to my house, we've got trees just growing everywhere. They're not maintained at all, and they're just growing everywhere and they're so ugly. All I know is when I grow up and get my own house, I'm not gonna have any plants on my lawn, and instead of grass, I'm just gonna have astro turf. Anyways, that's just my rant on the ugly plants at my house. As I was saying, yesterday my bros and I spent the afternoon with a saw and hedge clippers and just hacked down everything. I hope they all die so I don't have to do it again next year. Well, I thought I'd just mention my labours this weekend since I'm sure that most of the people that know me think that I'm just a lazy slob and doesn't lift a finger when I'm at home. I also played some good tennis with Allan, and played a lot of great games of Warcraft with Dwight.