Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Well, I just got back from my Vancouver road trip with Dwight. It was a fun trip, with lots to see driving across the states. The drive from Windsor to Seattle was about 40,000 km, and took us about 3.5 days to make the drive. It started off when I met Dwight in Windsor on Sunday. I met some of Dwight's friends, and we played a little poker, followed by a trip to the Windsor casino where I made a cool $40. Monday Dwight had to do some last minute packing and say some final good byes, but we still had some time to watch The Hills on MTV.

We took off early on Tuesday morning and crossed the border without a hitch. We made some stop offs along the way including the Corn Palace (some tourist trap where the outside of the palace is redecorated every year with corn husks), WallDrug (some tourist trap with a town that's supposed to be similar to the 1880's), Mt. Rushmore. The interesting thing was that there was a massive biker rally in South Dakota with an estimated 500,250 bikers attending. Everywhere along the interstate we saw bikers, and when we stopped in towns they were filled with bikes. Motels also had no vacancies because of the rally, and we had to set up tent at a KOA for one of the nights. We finally got to Seattle on Friday afternoon, where we met up with Rach. She gave us a tour of the Microsoft campus, pretty impressive. We met up with Vish and Justin for dinner and went out to a bar/lounge at night. Saturday we took a small tour of Seattle, and were on our way to Vancouver to meet up with my family for dinner. My uncle Albert and aunt Valerie took us out to dinner, and we went to the Night Market afterwards. the Night Market was pretty jokes. It was basically a whole bunch of Asians setting up little booths in a huge parking lot and just selling all this pirated/couterfeit stuff. Also, driving across the hick towns of the states, I was feeling like the only Asian around, and it was nice that I got to turn the tables on Dwight for a night. Sunday we got a chance to visit Stanley Park, and the UBC campus where we unpacked Dwight's stuff. Vancouver really seems like a nice place, I could really see myself living there. At night, my uncle and aunt took me to the Vancouver casino, where I ended up losing $40, evening me out from Windsor. I guess that's about it, not incredibly exciting, but it was fun and nice driving across the country.

I guess Dwight's starting a new career/life in Vancouver now. With the 3 hour time difference between Vancouver and Richmond Hill, I wonder what's going to happen to our Warcraft playing schedule? I guess we'll see.


Justin Ng said...

It was really great to see you again Nick. You are always fun to hang out with and I love the SUP despite what everyone else says.

Unknown said...

Too bad I couldn't meet you in Seattle. Would have been fun.

By the way, stop gambling so much. It's bad for you...Is visiting the casino of a city mandatory for your driving?

rachel said...

I am glad you had fun and are back home safely... maybe you should consider Vancouver or Seattle as your next home... you just never know :)

Ryan Wilson said...

Forget Seattle.

Connecticut is the way to go....