Monday, December 04, 2006

Well, things are going well. I met up with Care a little while ago which was nice. I used to see this girl just about everyday in undergrad, and she lives about a 5 minute walk from my house, but I couldn't even remember the last time I saw her. We both figure it was sometime about last April on her birthday that we last saw eachother. Time really does go by fast these days. Anyways, it was really good seeing her again, we just went to Williams for some drinks/desert and catch up on what's been going on in our lives.

Friday I attended my company's Christmas party. It was a fun event where I got to hang out with some coworkers in a non-working environment. The food was good, and the speeches/slideshow where nice. My table won the prize for the writting the best poem/limerick during dinner. We each got a $5.00 gift certificate to Timmy's, booyah!

Saturday I met up with Neeta and Eric, we went to the AGO to look at some art and get a little bit more culture. I really enjoyed looking at the sculptures and the paintings. There was also a huge exhibit with photographs by some guy, and it was all right at the start, but then it just became too much and I couldn't take any more photographs. I think I have more appreciation for things like sculptures or painting, things that take more time and effort to create. I'm not saying photography isn't a valid form of art or anything like that, I definately think photography is an interesting form of art and you can take some really amazing photos, but I just think there's a difference between making something with your two hands and snapping off a round of photos. My two cents.


Unknown said...

Is this the start of a blossoming relationship?
To be continued...

Justin Ng said...

I'm going to Toronto on the 15th. Let's hang out.

fifi said...

Nick! I'm shocked by your photo statement - wasn't it YOU that told me to start selling my shots?

I think you were looking at Ansel Adams photography exhibit - black and white? Nature shots of snow capped mountains, trees, etc?