Wednesday, January 04, 2006

It's been a while since I've updated my blog, at least for me it's been a while. I'll try to summarize my holidays.

So, in Seattle, I stayed with Gus and he gave me a tour of Seattle. We talked a bunch about what's been going on in our lives. Gus, five years from now you owe me a story, and same here, I won't forget. For Christmas, Rach, Gus, Neeta and I got together at Vish's place for a Christmas feast. Thank you Vish, Mark and Rach for preparing such a huge dinner. The home made bread was especially delicious. After dinner, we played the "Friends" trivia game, obviously Neeta won. The next day I took the Greyhound over to Vancouver for my Whistler adventure. Got back into Canada without a hitch, except that the bus I planned to take was all booked and I had to take a later bus to Vancouver.

I got to Vancouver and met up with Jon, Nat, Justin and Oliver at the bus station. They were pretending to be mad at me for arriving late, but boy was that a poor attempt. We drove 2 hours and arrived at Jon's, friend's place in Whistler. The place was nice, and fit all of us confortably. We just crashed in preparation for our long day on the slopes the following day. Whistler was amazing! We were all a little worried there wouldn't be snow on the moutain since it was raining on our drive up to the moutain. But once we got on the chairlift and started going up the moutain, all of a sudden all of the rain turned into snow, and there was definately enough snow for skiing. Memorable experiences from Whistler/Blackcomb include: skiing through impenetrable fog so thick that you couldn't see 2 feet in front of you, getting to the top of the moutain and feeling like I just arrived on a different planet, braving the "Whistler Bowl". In all seriousness, and I'm not even kidding or exaggerating here, I have never been so afraid for my life as when I was going down the Whistler Bowl. I'm not going to describe it, but it's something you have to see/ski down yourself to understand how I was feeling. As the ski instructor said "Straight lining the Whistler Bowl is completely unacceptable" Anyways, Whistler was a ton of fun, and it was definately an experience of a lifetime.

After our skiing adventure, we went back to Vancouver and stayed at my uncle and aunt's place. I also got to see my cousins Brian, Jimmy and Randy. They were so kind and generous letting us stay at their place. They also took us out for dinner and dim sum the next morning. We also got to watch some world juniors hockey, Finland versus Norway, while we were in Vancouver. Took the plane back to Richmond Hill without any problems.

Yesterday was Britta's birthday (Happy birthday Britta!) so we went out for a little karaoke. Appologies to those who had to hear me sing. After a little singing, we went back to her place where my team dominated in a game of Cranium. Good times.


Anonymous said...

You were an awesome singer! I definitely think we should release our new single "I Swear", it'll be a big hit! I'm so glad you and Allan came, I hope you had fun! Although I don't know if I would use the word "dominated" exactly.. maybe "won by a the smallest margin possible" might be a little more accurate..

Unknown said...

Yes Nick, 5 years down. As long as i remember exactly, as long as my memory doesn't fail me. I know your memory won't fail you.

The X-Mas dinner was indeed all-round delicious. Me, myself and I devoured hald of the home-made bread and crub-meat with cheese... So very delicious indeed.

Britta, don't listen to Nick putting himself down on singing. The truth is that he has been practicing "I Swear" on Caraoke as long as i can remember (well over 2 years). So, if he's trying to play the newbie with you in order to get a better treatment you now know that just ain't true...
Exposed! Muahaha

Nick said...

oh goose... exposed once again... as if my pitiful performance wasn't embarassing enough, now Britta knows I've actually been practising thsi song too.. ai yah...

Yumin said...

it's little late to say but
Happy new year!
you had such a great time!