Thursday, January 05, 2006

So, yesterday was pretty fun. After work, I went out for dinner at Spring Rolls with a friend who wishes to remain anonymous, for this post I will refer to this person as "Mrs. Potter". So, before dinner, Mrs. Potter and I went to Indigo looking for a day planner for the new year. Mrs. Potter couldn't find a suitable day planner, but bought a MENSA trivia book instead. So, throughout dinner and afterwards, Mrs. Potter and I were taking the MENSA quizes. Mrs. Potter was so into the quizing, she couldn't even wait for the waiter to leave the table before starting the next question. Can you say super geeks? But then again, that's what Waterloo'll do to ya. In the end, each of us won a category.


Justin Ng said...

Who is Mrs. Potter married to?

Nick said...

Take a guess... give up? A strapping young magician by the name of Harry... (she wishes)

Anonymous said...

I think Mrs Potter = Nick's Mom.

Anonymous said...

Geez, I go away for 2 weeks, come back and you've got like... 15 million entries haha. If I didnt know better, I'd think you were gettin' the "xanga" fevah... like me :D

Neeta said...

Yeah Nick, who is this mysterious 'Mrs. Potter??' Can we assume from the Mrs. that it is a woman?