Monday, February 27, 2006

So, on Friday I went over to the library to do some studying, since I got nothing better to do and I've decided I should try to do something with my life. After getting back from the library, Allan came over for another back cracking/bowflex workout. He didn't stay for very long trying to avoid watching Nat and I take on my cousins and bro in a Yu-Gi-Oh tournament. Nat and I won of course. Later Eric stopped over, and my brother joined us for a game of poker. I was sooooo pissed off cuz my brother went all in on the first round, and I figured he was just bluffing, and I had a pretty decent hand, so I decided to call. Man, the guy had pocket aces and took me down in the first round! So pissed! So, we played another round of poker afterwards, and it was a pretty long game with Nat and I as the final two. Unforunately, Nat took home the pot and regains his title as poker champ.

On Saturday, I got woken up early by my cousins wanting to play some PS2. Eric (who stayed over) decided to have an early morning workout on the bowflex. Even though Eric's got about 20lbs over me, I'm glad I was still able to bend more power rods than him. We met up with Ryan for lunch at an all-you-can-eat dim sum place. I was planning on eating about a million har-gows since it was all-you-can-eat, but the har-gows were only mediocre at best. Eric came over to my place to practise some guitar before heading out to watch a movie. I can't even remember what movie we watched. All I remember is that it sucked, and I didn't like it. It's that movie with Samuel L Jackson in it. My advice would be to pass on this one. Oh yeah, it was Freedomland.

Friday, February 24, 2006

So, yesterday was a fun night. I met up for bubble tea with Ryan and Phil, but the special guest of the night was Adrienne. I think Adrienne's been mad at me or something for the past year. I think she's been avoiding me cuz I haven't seen her at all the past year, and we stopped messaging eachother. Well, hopefully after seeing her last night, it'll be the end of the Adrienne drought. Well, it was fun, we played some cards and had some bubble tea and food. Adrienne's always got the funniest little stories to tell, and it was nice to see how she was doing. Hopefully in the future I'll be able to do a better job of keeping in touch.

Monday, February 20, 2006

A quick weekend update. On Friday, Jimi stopped by in the afternoon. We played some games as well as had a great Bowflex workout. I think I've created another bowflex believer. In fact, he's on his way over right now to workout again. Now that's dedication! Justin also came back this weekend. Justin, Allan and I went out to a new Thai restaurant. It was fun, and the food was pretty good. After dinner, we came back to my place and met up with Nat. I finally broke Nat's 4 game poker winning streak and took home the pot.

On Saturday, Allan and I hit up another casino run. We went up to the Blue Heron casino and played a bit of Black Jack. I played of course, and Allan once again took the role of spectator. Well, it was a good night though, I was up $150, but got greededy and ended the night up $60. Still not a bad night though. Man, I woulda bought that A&F shirt I saw in the afternoon shopping with Allan if I knew I would have a winning night at the casino. Oh well.

On Sunday I went for a swim again with former lifeguard, Allan Kwong. If anyone read one of my previous blog posts, I was saying how I was challenging everyone in the pool and no one would race me. Well, it finally happened. With the help of Allan telling everyone in the pool how slow and out of shape I was, two of the youngsters (ages 16 and 17) decided they'd race me. Well, it was a lot of fun.

Yesterday I went with Nat and some of his friends for the third round of Blue Moutain sking. It was a lot of fun. There's a little terrain park where you can do jumps and go down rails and stuff, and we decided to give it a shot. Anyways, I tried a lot of jumps and tried to go down the rails, but there were a lot of big falls. Props to Nat for successfully landing a full 360 jump. I didn't actually see it, but mad props goes out to you. I got a bunch of bumps and bruises today, but it was a lot of fun.

Friday, February 17, 2006

So yesterday I finally got a chance to meet Ryan's imaginary friends. He's been going on and on and on for the past couple of months about his imaginary friends that he claims to hang out with. He keeps telling Neeta and I how he's always hanging out with his friends and drinking bubble tea and playing games and stuff, yet Neeta and I have never really met these so called friends of his. Well, yesterday I finally got to meet his friends, and they actually do exist, and they're actually really nice. We went to some bubble tea place and just hung out and played some games. It was fun, Ryan and his friends taught me how to play Bridge. I think Bridge is a lot like Euker, except that there's a lot more strategy involved. Well, it was fun, especially since Tiffany and I beat Ryan and Mitchell. We'll call it beginner's luck, as well as excellent coaching.

Monday, February 13, 2006

So, yesterday Allan and I went for another swim. I'd say we had a pretty good swim, I think I went for a pretty long time (considering the shape I'm in) without stopping or taking a break. After that little warm up, I felt the urge to have a little friendly competition. For those who might not know, I used to swim competitively, and one of the things I miss most about it is the competition. Win or lose, I just love the feeling of going all out and giving everything you've got in a race against someone else and seeing who comes out on top. Anyways, there was a bunch of kids (I call them kids, but they were actually in their late teens or early twenties) and they were pretty good swimmers and apparently worked at the pool, so I asked them if any of them wanted to race me. I asked about four random people in the pool if any of them wanted to race me, but to my great disappointment, no one wanted to race. Allan was also there and really wanted to watch someone take me down, but unfortunately no one was up for the challenge. When I got home, I talked to Dwight, and told him how no one wanted to race me at the pool. He thinks there might be something wrong with me and that it's not normal for people to challenge other people to a race in the middle of a public lane swim. I thought about it, and maybe he's right. I've gone to a lot of public swims, and not once has anyone ever challenged me to a race (even though I'd totally be up for it) and yet I'm always asking random strangers to race. Oh well, who knows what it is, maybe feel like I got something to prove?

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Well, the weather's been a bit colder the past week, which meant there was finally some snow on the ground. Yesterday Nat and I decided to make use of our seasons passes and head up to Blue Moutain. Now, I know I'm not the best skier in the world, and I know I'm far from being an expert, but after skiing Whistler, I've kinda turned into a ski snob. I just go whizzing down the slopes trying to look good thinking I'm hot sh*t. But in all honesty, Blue Moutain really doesn't compare with the slopes of Whistler, it's just a totally different experience. With that being said, skiing was still a lot of fun, and there was plenty of snow on the moutain. Well, I got back from skiing after dinner, but it was KennyG's birthday, so KennyG, Allan, Erika and I went out to celebrate. We went to Honest Lawyers for some drinks and some grub. It was fun, KennyG's just so busy, too busy to even check his email, so I hardly get to see the guy. Well, it was fun just hanging out and watching a tipsy Allan knock over a glass all over himself, smoothe move Dungeon Master. It was also pretty hilarious watching Allan and KennyG in full action with Erika, I really don't know how she puts up with it. Anyways, it was a fun night.

Today, my cousin Helen turned a big three - zero. Yes, she is now over the hill. For dinner, all of the family got together for a classic ten course meal at the Dragon Centre restaurant. For all the Chinese people out there, you know what I'm talking about. The dinner came fully loaded with the lobster and the bird's nest, etc. It was sooooo good! For the non-Chinese people out there, yall don't know what you're missing. Well, the food was excellent, and it's always nice having family get togethers. Good times.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

So, yesterday Jimi invited me over with some of his friends to watch the Ultimate Fighting Championships on pay-per-view. It was a good show with a lot of good action. Overall, all of the fights were pretty exciting to watch with maybe one exception. I don't really follow UFC too much, but Jimi seems to be pretty into it, and I gotta say that I do find it pretty entertaining. I hate that WWF sh*t, especially when compared to UFC which is so brutally real. I think I'm starting to pick up some of the moves and strategies that they use in UFC, which may come in handy one day in case someone decides to mess with this bowflex body.

Today I met up with Neeta, Ryan and Eric. We met up for some brunch down town. We went to a place called "Over Easy" and the food was really good. Afterwards we did a bit of shopping and hung out for a bit at Neeta's. I learned something interesting today though. Apparently Neeta has problems remembering things that we've done together, it's like she's removed them from her memory. For example, a bunch of us went to the ROM one evening, so Neeta tells me "yeah, me, Rach, Matt, Stu and someone else went to the ROM one time..." so then I reply "yeah, that someone else was me, gee, thanks Neeta". Then later I quized her asking her who she watched the movie "Water" with (it was me). Her answer with confidence, "I watched it by myself". Gee, thanks again Neeta. But hey, it's ok cuz even though she forgets some things, she still remembers in detail being extremely mad at me for asking her for $4 for the milk that I bought for her, so I guess it all evens out in the end. Anyways, tonight I'm watching the Superbowl with some of Nat's friends, hope it's a good game.

Friday, February 03, 2006

So, yesterday was pretty fun. Well, part of it anyways. In the afternoon, I went over to the library with Allan to do a little studying/preparation for an interview I got on Monday. For the first time ever, I saw Allan "studying", although he was on his laptop quite a bit, and I did catch him watching a music video. The fun part of the day was when I met up with Nat and we played some volleyball. We played with Tyndale's varsity volleyball team, which I thought was kinda weird since they are a varsity team and they're actually training to compete with other schools and stuff. But then again, Tyndale is a Christian college, so they're usually pretty welcoming. Anyways, volleyball was a lot of fun. We played for three hours, and it was like real training/workout. We had warmups, we went over some drills and exercises and played some games. Also, since it was a varsity team, everyone was good and we could play some real games and have some good competition. There were some good players, but I wasn't the worse one there, so it was all good. Anyways, it was a lot of fun.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

So, I was in 'loo for the past two days. I had an interview with the big MS. I won't go into how the interview went, but I thought it went all right. Fortunately they didn't ask me what the weather was like outside, I dodged a real bullet on that one! Well, after the interview I met up with Dwight. We went to Pizza Hut for dinner which was really tasty, but sent both of us rushing to the bathroom which wasn't cool. Oh yeah, I also didn't like that waitress for reasons I won't mention here. After dinner, we played some warcraft, one really good game. Afterwards we went to the PAC for a little swim. The swim was all right, except that I'm so out of shape and really suck. We had a small workout after the swim to complete the start of me getting back in shape. After we went back to Dwight's place where he downloaded the first season of "Beauty and the Geek". It was all right, it had some funny moments, but I think the 2nd season was definately better. The next morning we watched another episode of Beauty and the Geek, had a bit to eat, then headed back home.