Friday, February 03, 2006

So, yesterday was pretty fun. Well, part of it anyways. In the afternoon, I went over to the library with Allan to do a little studying/preparation for an interview I got on Monday. For the first time ever, I saw Allan "studying", although he was on his laptop quite a bit, and I did catch him watching a music video. The fun part of the day was when I met up with Nat and we played some volleyball. We played with Tyndale's varsity volleyball team, which I thought was kinda weird since they are a varsity team and they're actually training to compete with other schools and stuff. But then again, Tyndale is a Christian college, so they're usually pretty welcoming. Anyways, volleyball was a lot of fun. We played for three hours, and it was like real training/workout. We had warmups, we went over some drills and exercises and played some games. Also, since it was a varsity team, everyone was good and we could play some real games and have some good competition. There were some good players, but I wasn't the worse one there, so it was all good. Anyways, it was a lot of fun.

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