Sunday, April 23, 2006

So, a couple days ago, Allan and I decided to play a little tennis. So we go there around 4:00, and when we get there, the tennis courts are just filled with about 40 kids around the age of 4 or 5. These kids are just screaming and running around all over the place, with like 2 or 3 adults watching over them. So, when Allan and I get to the courts, the adults tell the kids to keep off the last court to let Allan and I play tennis. We start playing, and these curious little kids decide to watch Allan and I play. Let me tell you, it was so much pressure playing in front of 20 ~ 30 little kids, all either cheering for you, or booing for you. Well, it started off with most of the little ones cheering for "the guy in the grey shirt". I was wearing a grey shirt, and Allan was wearing a white shirt. But after a couple bad hits into the net, and with Allan's natural charisma and skills with little children, how quickly did those kids go over to Allan's side. For the rest of the match, the kids were just chanting, "go guy in the white shirt, go guy in the white shirt!", and they were just booing me whenever I'd hit a ball into the net. Well, the adults told the kids not to boo us, cuz it was rude, but I could hear them all say "The guy in the white shirt is the fastest! He hits the ball super fast!" The kids even divided themselves up onto different sides of the court to show who they were cheering for. I had no one on my side. It really was quite the experience. I've never had an audience watching me play before, and boy were these kids vocal about it. It must be what Federer or Roddick feel like during the US Open. Or does anyone remember that match where the entire stadium was booing for Serena Williams? I now know what that must have felt like, and I really feel for her...


Justin Ng said...

White shirts rock!

Nick said...

hahahaha... well, I did suggest to Allan that we should get the kids to be our ball boys. You know how kids just love running around picking up balls and stuff, but Allan was against it. As for taking off the shirt. Well it was a warm day out, and a great day to start working on the tan, and either Allan or I brought it up.... but only as a JOKE! anyways, the shirts stayed on.