Monday, May 01, 2006

Well, I didn't have an exceptionally exciting weekend, but I was pretty productive. On Saturday I was busy at home doing spring cleaning. Includes sweeping the entire house since our vacuum is on the fritz and cleaning all the rooms. I even finally dusted my room and tidied up all of my clothes. Yesterday was a nice day out, so my brothers and I were all busy doing yard work. For anyone who doesn't know this about me, I absolutely hate doing yard work. I dunno who's bright idea it was of filling our entire house with all these ugly plants. Honestly, for anyone who's been to my house, we've got trees just growing everywhere. They're not maintained at all, and they're just growing everywhere and they're so ugly. All I know is when I grow up and get my own house, I'm not gonna have any plants on my lawn, and instead of grass, I'm just gonna have astro turf. Anyways, that's just my rant on the ugly plants at my house. As I was saying, yesterday my bros and I spent the afternoon with a saw and hedge clippers and just hacked down everything. I hope they all die so I don't have to do it again next year. Well, I thought I'd just mention my labours this weekend since I'm sure that most of the people that know me think that I'm just a lazy slob and doesn't lift a finger when I'm at home. I also played some good tennis with Allan, and played a lot of great games of Warcraft with Dwight.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A yard made out of exotic rocks is such a perfect idea. No maintenance / hassle, all the beauty.