Monday, June 19, 2006

A lot of sun this weekend. I'm getting darker and darker and looking more and more like a Mexican with each passing day. Seems like people have caught the tennis bug. I've been playing lots of tennis lately. Nat just got back from his trip to Europe Thursday night, so we played a bit of tennis on Friday. It was a pretty good game, Nat's better than I had hoped. It should be a pretty heated match between Nat and Jer vs Allan and I. After tennis, we hung out at his place and looked at pictures and talked about his past three weeks in Europe.

Saturday was an insanely hot day out. You had to be out of your mind to do anything physical outside in that kind of weather. That didn't stop Nat, Allan, KennyG and I from playing a round of doubles. It was an all right game. I don't think anyone played extrmely well, but it was a fun game. After the game we went to over to DQ for some hot eats and cool treats, minus the hot eats. I always get a Reese's pieces blizzard, which was so good. Allan and KennyG also got blizzards, but were complaining the entire time they didn't get an Arctic Rush like Nat. Geez, these guys just don't know a good thing when they've got it. They all came over that night to watch the Oilers game/workout. What a great game! I predict the Oilers take the cup tonight with a 3-2 victory!

Yesterday was another incredibly hot day out. I decided to go blading with Eric. It's about my second time blading, so I'm pretty impressed I didn't fall. Eric is pretty ambitious with his roller blading and wanted to blade from Missisauga to Toronto along or something like that. Well, we got to Humber, which I think is pretty far, it took us about 4 hours to get there and back. There's a trail that goes along the Lakeshore from Missisauga all the way to Ashbridges, so it was actually a really nice trail with a lot of nice scenery. It was a lot of fun, except that my blades really suck and the last hour I was just complaining cuz my feet were killing me and I thought I was going to die. We also happen to come across an outdoor community pool, which happen to be free, so we decided to jump in. Nothing better than jumping into a nice pool on a hot summer day when you've been roller blading. Man, my legs are really sore today.

1 comment:

jimi said...

Oh jeez.... your house to humber? That's Hwy 27 right? That's pretty frickin far =o