Monday, July 31, 2006

So, I had a pretty fun weekend. On Friday I went to Nat's fellowship. It was a praise and worship night at his fellowship, and he was a major part of it. It seemed like he spent a lot of time practicing and preparing for the night, and I really think it paid off. I was particularly impressed with Nat's ability to play the drums. He's really got a gift for music. We also had a round of musical chairs at the start as kind of an icebreaker for the night, the winner of the game was gonna win a wallet. Me being the competitive person I am, was determined to win the game and the wallet, and I wasn't going to let the little kids at this fellowship get in my way. I'd say the average age of the people attending the fellowship that night was about 14, and me being a full decade older than them definately had a size advantage over them and I definately used it to my advantage. Anyways, I made it all the way to the final two, and it was me versus a little girl who I'd say was probably around 10. When it came down to the final two, I was definately not a crowd favourite that night, as everyone was booing me as I was using my weight to block the little kids from getting to the chairs, but it was all jokes. Anyways, the little girl ended up winning, so I guess that made everyone happy.

Jon came back for the weekend, so we hung out for a bit this weekend. Jon, Allan and I went to Pacific where Jon was window shopping for a new cell phone, and Allan was looking for a car air freshener. After shopping, I went over to Mark and Justin's place for a family birthday party. Boy can those Filipinos make some good shish kebobs and spring rolls, delicious! After spending some time with family, I met up with Jon, Nat, and Allan to watch Miami Vice. It was ok, not my kind of movie though.

Sunday we went to the beach for a little volleyball. Man, it's been a while since I've played volleyball at the beach. After some bad weather, and losing the net, it's about time we got things rolling again. Volleyball was a lot of fun, and the weather was really nice. Funny thing is, there was this scavanger hunt thing going on at the beach, and one of the clues/items to find was on the court beside ours. Jon and Allan saw this and took the opportunity to have some fun with it. Whenever we saw people coming to the court looking for the item, Jon and Allan would approach them and tell them that they reached the activity portion of the scavanger hunt. They'd say that in order to get the next item, they'd have to do retarded things like pushups, or hop on one leg and stuff like that. It was pretty hilarious. Anyways, it was a great day at the beach, and afterwards we all had a nice bbq at Dave's house. It was a fun weekend.


Anonymous said...

Oh piac ... that's funny .. out of all the instruments on friday, drums is the one that I suck in the most. But I'm glad you didn't notice any mistakes though, cuz there were A TON!

Nick said...

Well, I know you're just learning to play the drums, it's not your forte like piano. It's just really impressive that you're able to play piano really well, you're definately on your way with guitar, and now you're picking up drums.

Unknown said...

Taking advantage of innocent hunters. Shame on you...