Saturday, December 24, 2005

Thursday was my last day of work for the year. We finished off the year with a company wine and cheese event and a little company poker tournament. The wine and cheese was nice, and the poker was awsome, mostly cuz I won. I really showed the boys at Jatheon how it's done! I like to think of it as my Christmas bonus. I got home and watched Hotel Rowanda with Allan, a really good movie. After the movie, I went home and packed for my trip to Seattle/Whistler.

On Friday I went to the airport, and there was a little hitch upon boarding the plane. Apparently you need the address of where you'll be staying in the states in order to cross the border. I didn't know, and since it was my first time going on a plane on my own, I was in full panic mode. I called Rach, Gus, Neeta and even Neeta's sister to get an address of where I was going to be staying in the states. After calling each of them about 20 times, and leaving messages on their phones, I had to find an alternate solution. I called Nat and Allan to see if they knew anyone from Seattle that they could give me the address of. In the end, Allan gave me a fake address in Seattle, and they finally let me board the plan. I finally got on the plane, and found my seat. Funny little story. There was this little kid who was assigned the seat next to me, he was about 4 or 5 years old. He looks at me and says to his mom "You sit beside him, I don't want to sit beside the China guy" I laughed a little, he was just a little kid so I wasn't really offended. Anyways, the kid sits next to me and we start talking. We talked about his Christmas holidays and the presents he got for Christmas. He read me a story staring our favourite Curious George. I even played "Crazy 8's" and "Go Fish" with him and his mom. A really cute kid, and they had a really cute dog on board the plane too. Seriously, I am great with kids. So, I landed in Vancouver as a stop over to my flight to Seattle. When I got to baggage claim, I couldn't find my beautiful, beautiful skis. I searched and searched, but I coudln't find them and my flight to Seattle was leaving, so I didn't have time to find them. Anyways, I left a missing baggage report, but as of right now, I still don't know where they are. So, I got on the plane and flew to Seattle where Gus and his friend Will met me. We had dinner at a really nice Italian place, the food was really good. After dinner, I went over to Gus' place and we just hung out and stuff. We looked pictures and talked about the good ol' day from university. I haven't seen Gus in quite a while, and we got caught up on what everyone's been up to and the gossip that Gus has been missing out on. So, that my first flight on my own, what an experience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahahahaha can't even board a plane on your own!!!

btw, I know this guy.. or at least he looks familiar. Did he go to York Mills for high school? If he did, then that's how I recognize him :D