Monday, February 20, 2006

A quick weekend update. On Friday, Jimi stopped by in the afternoon. We played some games as well as had a great Bowflex workout. I think I've created another bowflex believer. In fact, he's on his way over right now to workout again. Now that's dedication! Justin also came back this weekend. Justin, Allan and I went out to a new Thai restaurant. It was fun, and the food was pretty good. After dinner, we came back to my place and met up with Nat. I finally broke Nat's 4 game poker winning streak and took home the pot.

On Saturday, Allan and I hit up another casino run. We went up to the Blue Heron casino and played a bit of Black Jack. I played of course, and Allan once again took the role of spectator. Well, it was a good night though, I was up $150, but got greededy and ended the night up $60. Still not a bad night though. Man, I woulda bought that A&F shirt I saw in the afternoon shopping with Allan if I knew I would have a winning night at the casino. Oh well.

On Sunday I went for a swim again with former lifeguard, Allan Kwong. If anyone read one of my previous blog posts, I was saying how I was challenging everyone in the pool and no one would race me. Well, it finally happened. With the help of Allan telling everyone in the pool how slow and out of shape I was, two of the youngsters (ages 16 and 17) decided they'd race me. Well, it was a lot of fun.

Yesterday I went with Nat and some of his friends for the third round of Blue Moutain sking. It was a lot of fun. There's a little terrain park where you can do jumps and go down rails and stuff, and we decided to give it a shot. Anyways, I tried a lot of jumps and tried to go down the rails, but there were a lot of big falls. Props to Nat for successfully landing a full 360 jump. I didn't actually see it, but mad props goes out to you. I got a bunch of bumps and bruises today, but it was a lot of fun.


Nate Lam said...

I shall regain my winning streak next game! NEXT TIME I tell you!
Yeah guy, LOTS of falls .. I was hurtin' when I woke up this morning. The only reason why I woke up is cuz i remembered who screwed I am for work.

Unknown said...

Did the youngsters destroy you?