Sunday, February 05, 2006

So, yesterday Jimi invited me over with some of his friends to watch the Ultimate Fighting Championships on pay-per-view. It was a good show with a lot of good action. Overall, all of the fights were pretty exciting to watch with maybe one exception. I don't really follow UFC too much, but Jimi seems to be pretty into it, and I gotta say that I do find it pretty entertaining. I hate that WWF sh*t, especially when compared to UFC which is so brutally real. I think I'm starting to pick up some of the moves and strategies that they use in UFC, which may come in handy one day in case someone decides to mess with this bowflex body.

Today I met up with Neeta, Ryan and Eric. We met up for some brunch down town. We went to a place called "Over Easy" and the food was really good. Afterwards we did a bit of shopping and hung out for a bit at Neeta's. I learned something interesting today though. Apparently Neeta has problems remembering things that we've done together, it's like she's removed them from her memory. For example, a bunch of us went to the ROM one evening, so Neeta tells me "yeah, me, Rach, Matt, Stu and someone else went to the ROM one time..." so then I reply "yeah, that someone else was me, gee, thanks Neeta". Then later I quized her asking her who she watched the movie "Water" with (it was me). Her answer with confidence, "I watched it by myself". Gee, thanks again Neeta. But hey, it's ok cuz even though she forgets some things, she still remembers in detail being extremely mad at me for asking her for $4 for the milk that I bought for her, so I guess it all evens out in the end. Anyways, tonight I'm watching the Superbowl with some of Nat's friends, hope it's a good game.


jimi said...

lol, glad you enjoyed UFC. I'm kinda a nut on this MMA stuff now. =P Over all it was an ok event, but I was expecting a bit more fireworks, especially the Frank Mir fight. We're already planning for the Mar 4 fight... already 6 people =P Anyways, I'll keep you posted.

Anonymous said...

You can't blame Neeta for not having a memory as good as yours.

Neeta said...

Ok, here's one long comment: Nick, FIRST of all, you seem to have left out a few important details about why I was mad at you. You didn't just ask for money for milk, you asked for money for milk after having stayed at our place, rent free and drinking our milk for the past month! Second of all, I don't have the best memory but I forget having been mad at you just as often as I forget doing something with you, I don't just remember fights and forget nice times! AND you tricked me both times with those things, first pretending you weren't the one that was there that day so I had to assume I was mistaken, and then asking me who I watched the movie with like you didn't know! HMMPH.
So you can take your hostile blog comments and shove them.

Nate Lam said...

ahh!! I'm so confused! This is getting very complicated

Nick said...

Well, I feel like I should explain myself. First of all, my blog was not meant to be hostile, it was meant to be funny. I thought the whole thing was hilarious, so I thought it'd be funny if I made a comment about it. A lot of the things are taken out of context, which Neeta explained in her comment, but it wouldn't have been funny if I had to explain the whole situation after. Anyways, it was meant to be a joke, and not meant to insult or attack anyone.

Nick said...

hahaha... yeah, i agree with the Dungeon Master, everyone's just gotta chill and not take everything so seriously, including myself. I also like how you managed to get your "i hate warcraft" comments in there... i didn't even mention it in this post.

rachel said...

heh 12 comments... nice going.
Well, Nick... when I read your blog I did think Neeta look a little on the "uncaring" side...I know you meant as a joke... WOW (world of warcraft) SUCKS...anything to do with warcraft suxs... but I know you two so I guess it's a thing I shouldn't get in between.... seriously though, (as the other roommate who got upset along with Neeta) you stayed rent free, electricity/water bills paid, eating/drinking our stuff... and instead of replacing the milk you drank, you asked for milk money... that was pretty value-&^#$@^ of you. heh, totally in the past but you did make an "impression" on me :P

rachel said...