Monday, June 12, 2006

Well, I've been having a really busy week with work and stuff, so I'm gonna take a break from work and update my blog. On Friday night, Allan and Ken came over to watch a movie. We watched some Korean war movie (I forget the name), which actually turned out to be pretty good. Allan and Ken slept through most of the movie, but I thought the movie pretty interesting, so I stayed up and watched the entire movie. It was a lot better than the last Korean movie I watched. The last Korean movie I watched was with a friend of mine, and it was some kind of Korean romantic comedy. The movie was so retarded, and all I remember is at the end of the movie, the guy dies and turns into the wind or something like that. And then the last scene is of the girl standing in her apartment and all of a sudden the wind/her dead ex-boyfriend starts blowing in through her window and everything starts blowing around. It was so retarded/cheesy, but it didn't stop my friend (who I'll keep nameless) from balling her eyes out. I really don't know what was wrong with her, but it was kinda funny watching her cry uncontrolably while I was laughing my arse off at how retarded the movie was. I remember thinking to myself "Is my friend crying?", "She can't be crying because of this movie, it's so retarded", "Maybe there's something wrong with her, maybe I should find out what's wrong", "Maybe I should try to cheer her up?", "Wait a minute, she is crying cuz of this movie!", and that's when I continue laughing my arse off. Anyways, this Korean movie was much better, two thumbs up!

Well, yesterday was a beautiful day out, as well as a Sunday, which means volleyball at the beach. Unfortunately, and I don't understand how this happened, but my brother lost the volleyball net. Yeah, no one seems to know what happened to it. So yeah, there was no volleyball on sunday, which was really disappointing. Anyways, instead, Jon, Allan, Ken and I decided to play a little tennis instead. We played a couple games of doubles. I thought KennyG and I could win it, unfortunately the amazing duo of Jon and Allan was simply too much for us to handle. Oh well, next time. After tennis, we played some basketball with my bro and my cousins. It was a fun game, we all really suck though. I'm just glad there were no African-Canadians around the courts, it woulda been a pretty embarassing display of our skills in basketball.

Still not sure what's gonna happen with volleyball this summer with no net. All that work at Goodlife, gone to waste.


Anonymous said...

Hey Nick.

Pretty much any Korean movie has a tragic romance as part of the plot. Korean actresses have to be very good at crying :)

Despite that, I still liked Shiri. Probably because Kim Yun-Jin was in it :)

Unknown said...

Wow Nick you haven't posted in a while...
I got worried there for a sec.
But it seems the worries were unfounded.

Find your Net damnit... we neeeeed it.

Anonymous said...

You are a JERK!

Nick said...

Hmmm.... a lot of girls seem to think I'm a jerk, or possibly a jerkwad... I wonder why that is? but come on... "I just died, so now I'm gonna become the wind and blow stuff around in your apartment... LAME!"

Well, the movie wasn't all that bad, my Sassy girl was in it... she's just so sassy!

Anonymous said...

Are you still working out at GOodlife? I haven't seen you there since! :-)