Thursday, September 22, 2005

Well, i've had a busy couple of days... i stayed at work till eleven on monday and tuesday... it's all right though, i feel like i'm actually starting to contribute to this company... hopefully i'll start to pick things up, and simple tasks won't be so time consuming... well, today i atually got some stuff working, so i'm feeling pretty proud of myself right now... tonight, i think i'll try to leave at a reasonable hour, and just relax or go out tonight... i deserve a break!


Neeta said...

Go Nick!!

Yumin said...

wow! i'm proud of u too! i told u that u're smart! :-D
finally it's weekend again!!!wowowow~! i was almost dead in the morning and became alive from the evening. is it strange? hehe. but i have some kind of test on sunday.
some crazy test.-.-a