Monday, March 27, 2006

So, I had a purdy fun weekend. On Friday, a bunch of us got together at Boston Pizza. Jon even made it back from London to join us for dinner, and to collect money for his cancer fundraising. But yeah, it was a lot of fun, Nat and I got to see all the Western boys combined with Erika, pure jokes. Afterwards, we went over to my place and played the Friends trivia game. Jason and I (and my cousins, but they don't count cuz they don't watch Friends) nearly beat everyone else, which is pretty impressive considering the other team had both Nat (watching every episode of Friends for the THIRD time) and KennyG (nearly killed himself rushing home to watch the series finale).

Saturday afternoon, I met up with Ryan to watch a movie. We watched the Ultimate Avengers, the animated movie. It was all right, I loved the X-men and Spiderman cartoons when I was growing up, so this movie kind of reminded me of that. Later that night, Jon and Nat came over to watch the Leaf's game, but the game was so depressing we decided to abandon that idea and go out for dessert instead. Puja's also in town preparing for interviews, so she joined Jon and I at Just Desserts. After, Allan and KennyG showed up and we went over to my place to play some poker. Puja's gotta learn not to go in for every hand, especially when KennyG's getting straights every hand. Unfortunately, Jon took home the pot.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

So, yesterday was fun. Neeta, Ryan, Naomi and I went out to celebrate a number of things. Neeta getting even older, Ryan and I starting our jobs this week. We went to north K-Town and had dinner at a Korean restaurant. I had some delicious bulgogi and got a chance to see how Ryan's been doing at his new job. You'll be the next spider solitaire champion in no time! This is also the same restaurant I went to with Ryan a while ago where I happen noticed a large number of attractive females. Last night was a disappointment in that respect, except for the two lovely ladies in the same booth as me.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Best things about my new job include:
Not having to shower/brush my teeth before going to work.
Not having to commute three hours to work.
A free cafeteria with my own personal chef.
My own personal gym in the office.

It's pretty sweet...

Sunday, March 19, 2006

So yesterday was a fun day. Neeta, Eric and I went for a little skiing adventure at Blue Moutain. Things were a little uncertain with the warm weather we've been having lately, as well as whether to ski or snowboard because of the different skill levels. In the end, Eric and I decided that we would board for the night, and Neeta was going to ski. Well for those who don't know about my boarding abilities, I suck. I've gone twice in the past, and everyone who's tried boarding before knows how much you fall and how much it hurts when you start learning. Well, last night was a lot of fun, I think I was starting to get the hang of it. I actually had a couple of runs where I didn't fall and felt in control the whole way down. True, we never left the bunny hill, but come next season, I'm pretty confident I should be ready to tackle the blues. One funny story. So, Eric and I had some troubles staying on our feet when getting off the chair lift. One time, Neeta comes up with the bright idea of giving me a second head start to get off the chair lift, and then get off in order to avoid collisions. Neeta ends up missing her chance to get off the lift and the chair lift turns around and begins to go down with her still on the chair lift. Yeah, so we had to stop the chair lift, the chair lift operator had to come out and take off her skis, and then we had to carry her down off the lift. I was so embarassed. It was a fun day.

I also start work on Monday. I'm pretty excited about that.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

So yesterday, Nat and Allan stopped over in the afternoon for a small workout. Nat's working, but still manages to get to my place by 3:00 which I still find interesting. So we had a small workout, Nat and I later play some PS2. For dinner, I went down town to hang out with Neeta. First we played the "Friend Trivia Game". Even though Neeta would consider herself a "Friends Fan", and owns something like the first 7 seasons on DVD, I still took her down with ease. We then watched some Blind Date, "Dates From Hell" on DVD. Man, I love that show, it's so great! Afterwards, we talked about a bunch of stuff, it was pretty funny.

Today, Allan and I visited my cousin Helen at her clinic. Helen has her own chiropractor clinic, while Allan's still in 2nd year, so Allan wanted to what it's like to open your own clinic. They talked for what seemed like forever about chiropractics and stuff I knew nothing about, but it was all right. After a long discussion, I got a chance to get adjusted by a certified chiropractor with a real adjustment table. Boy was there a huge difference! Nat, you would have loved it! Allan, you still got a lot to learn to reach the level of cousin Kwa.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

So, this is what my weekend's been like so far. On Friday, Eric and I met up for dinner at some Brazilian restaurant. The food was pretty good, and I think it was authentic since the waitresses didn't know how to speak English. Afterwards, we met up with Neeta at a pub called Madison's. It was my first time at this pub, but it was a really cool pub with a lot of people and a really good atmosphere. We watched/listened to some guy playing the piano. He was really good, and played a bunch of classic/popular songs that I know. It was a pretty fun night.

Saturday morning I got up early to go bowling with Nat, Tiff, and her younger sister Candace. I had a decent day of bowling, but props goes out to Nat for bowling two games over 200, and one game with no open frames (for those who don't bowl, that's pretty impressive). Afterwards, we went out for lunch at Nat's favorite restaurant for won-ton noodles. Nat came over afterwards and we hung out and played some games on PS2.

I haven't done much today, except that I just got back from a swim with Allan. I had a pretty good swim. There's a pretty funny story about a guy who absolutely reeked of BO in the pool, but I think it's kinda mean posting that on my blog. Hopefully Allan'll post a funny version of the story on his blog instead.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Congradts Ryan! I won't go into details on what I'm congradulating you for in my public blog, but I'm really proud of you! We'll go celebrate sometime!

Sunday, March 05, 2006

So, Friday was a fun night. First of all, Nat, Jon, Alland and I met up for dinner at the Old Galley the fish and chips were great as usual. We then said goodbye to Nat who went to fellowship as the rest of us headed down town to visit KennyG. We headed over to KennyG's, but first we had to pick up some Munchies and a video. We got to KennyG's and met up with him and Clara. We played some poker and listened to some music in preparation for the main event. Unfortunately I was the first one taken out in poker, by Allan, which meant I would be the one sleeping on the floor. Well, it was a fun night, mostly just hung out doing stupid stuff.

The next morning we got up pretty early and headed back home. Jon, Allan and I stopped off at the Golden Griddle for a brunch buffet. At night, we headed out again to watch the UFC fight at a sports bar. We met up with Jimi and his friends at WEGZ, which is a really awsome sports bar by Vaughn Mills. It's such a huge sports bar, and there are so many huge TVs, and there's a ticker that goes across the entire bar with all the latest scores, and the place was totaly PACKED. Well, the UFC was really good, and there were some really good fights. It was a lot of fun.