Sunday, March 19, 2006

So yesterday was a fun day. Neeta, Eric and I went for a little skiing adventure at Blue Moutain. Things were a little uncertain with the warm weather we've been having lately, as well as whether to ski or snowboard because of the different skill levels. In the end, Eric and I decided that we would board for the night, and Neeta was going to ski. Well for those who don't know about my boarding abilities, I suck. I've gone twice in the past, and everyone who's tried boarding before knows how much you fall and how much it hurts when you start learning. Well, last night was a lot of fun, I think I was starting to get the hang of it. I actually had a couple of runs where I didn't fall and felt in control the whole way down. True, we never left the bunny hill, but come next season, I'm pretty confident I should be ready to tackle the blues. One funny story. So, Eric and I had some troubles staying on our feet when getting off the chair lift. One time, Neeta comes up with the bright idea of giving me a second head start to get off the chair lift, and then get off in order to avoid collisions. Neeta ends up missing her chance to get off the lift and the chair lift turns around and begins to go down with her still on the chair lift. Yeah, so we had to stop the chair lift, the chair lift operator had to come out and take off her skis, and then we had to carry her down off the lift. I was so embarassed. It was a fun day.

I also start work on Monday. I'm pretty excited about that.

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