Thursday, March 16, 2006

So yesterday, Nat and Allan stopped over in the afternoon for a small workout. Nat's working, but still manages to get to my place by 3:00 which I still find interesting. So we had a small workout, Nat and I later play some PS2. For dinner, I went down town to hang out with Neeta. First we played the "Friend Trivia Game". Even though Neeta would consider herself a "Friends Fan", and owns something like the first 7 seasons on DVD, I still took her down with ease. We then watched some Blind Date, "Dates From Hell" on DVD. Man, I love that show, it's so great! Afterwards, we talked about a bunch of stuff, it was pretty funny.

Today, Allan and I visited my cousin Helen at her clinic. Helen has her own chiropractor clinic, while Allan's still in 2nd year, so Allan wanted to what it's like to open your own clinic. They talked for what seemed like forever about chiropractics and stuff I knew nothing about, but it was all right. After a long discussion, I got a chance to get adjusted by a certified chiropractor with a real adjustment table. Boy was there a huge difference! Nat, you would have loved it! Allan, you still got a lot to learn to reach the level of cousin Kwa.


Nate Lam said...

Oh Diggidy dang! A full session from a real chiro? On a real chiro bed and not "the office"? hehe ... yeah guy, I would've love it .. I can see it now. Oh mama ... you gotta tell me when the next time you're going so I can take the day off and come with you guys!

Unknown said...

Friends, Blind Dates.
Seattle all over again!