Monday, October 03, 2005

So, after a little DimSum in the morning with my mom and bro, I did a little shopping with my buddy Allan. Since getting my job, I've been trying to dress better and wearer nicer clothes. Allan's been my main consultant for fashion advice. So, I bought myself a new sweater from Roots, and I think it looks really cool, but when I see myself in a mirror, I look like a totally different person. Then later that night, KennyG said I'm starting to look like Allan's twin, which kind of worries me. I got no problems dressing nicer, or asking friends for help with things I don't know too much about (how to dress), but I wonder if I'm taking it too far when people start confusing me with someone else. I guess what I'm thinking is, by trying to dress better, am I simply trying to improve the way I look, or is my personality changing, and that's why I want to dress better? I hope I don't change...

1 comment:

Justin Ng said...

Dressing better isn't about wearing clothes that look good... it's all about finding clothes that look good on you. That involves finding what your style is and what you like, don't just ask people what to wear. Go try some stuff on, stuff you wouldn't even think of wearing, see if you like it. And you can get good value too... H&M is an awesome place to shop, and it is very cheap yet styling.