Thursday, November 03, 2005

So, yesterday was pretty fun. After work, I went over to Jimi's place and had dinner before heading out to fellowship. I like this fellowship cuz first of all, I have some friends there who I really care about, who I really don't get to see enough outside of fellowship. Also, the fellowship is really small, and the people there appear to be really sincere and caring. For those who don't know, I'm kind of between the fences on how I feel about Christianity, and the problem I have with some fellowships is that sometimes the people seem a little insincere and more concerned about my relationship with God than me. I like this fellowship because the people really seem to care about me, and not just my spiritual status. We'll see how this turns out...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You know what really grinds my gears? People who are "of faith" that go to churches, synagogues, temples, etc....learn about spirituality, treating others with respect, seeing the good in other ppl, equality, etc....and then as soon as the service is over and they return to the real world, they proceed to turn a cold shoulder to anyone who is "not of faith". When did following a religion give people an automatic ticket to pre-judge another person without getting to know them? I can't think of another person who is nicer than Nick, and to hear that he's essentially been snubbed b/c he's not gung-ho about religion really ticks me off. I think these people of faith should either follow their religion 100% or get off of the bandwagon....they're inconsistency with religion (and this includes many other things) really grinds my gears.