Tuesday, October 25, 2005

So last night I hung out with some coworkers after work, it was fun. There was a stand up comedy night at a bar, so Will, Gabriel and I decided to attend. The food (which got charged to the company) was really good, which is more than I can say about the comedians. Well, some of them were all right, they got a chuckle out of me at best. I was hoping Chris Rock would show up and make an appearance.

On a different note, I was talking to my pseudo doctor friend Allan the other day, and it's been an ongoing debate whether or not chiropractors are real doctors are not. I feel, while chiropractors are highly respectable, are not real doctors. And this applies to dentists and vets as well. In my humble opinion, you gotta be able to prescribe medicine to humans to be considered a doctor. Does anyone have any opinions/comments? Post what you think, and we'll get this issue settled once and for all.


Anonymous said...

ahahahaha Wow, it's obvious to me Nick, that we are kindred spirits. I call Ahrans "pseudo-doctor" all the time! You've now been accepted by the Western crew simply because you're just so damn smart lol.
btw, is it Ahrans birfday on Saturday?

Nick said...

Now, I don't normally post to my own blog, but I really like "chiros anonymous'" post. Who is that?? Is that you Allan?? Trying to remain anonymous?? His bday's on the 30th, I guess that would make it Sunday.