Saturday, December 24, 2005

Thursday was my last day of work for the year. We finished off the year with a company wine and cheese event and a little company poker tournament. The wine and cheese was nice, and the poker was awsome, mostly cuz I won. I really showed the boys at Jatheon how it's done! I like to think of it as my Christmas bonus. I got home and watched Hotel Rowanda with Allan, a really good movie. After the movie, I went home and packed for my trip to Seattle/Whistler.

On Friday I went to the airport, and there was a little hitch upon boarding the plane. Apparently you need the address of where you'll be staying in the states in order to cross the border. I didn't know, and since it was my first time going on a plane on my own, I was in full panic mode. I called Rach, Gus, Neeta and even Neeta's sister to get an address of where I was going to be staying in the states. After calling each of them about 20 times, and leaving messages on their phones, I had to find an alternate solution. I called Nat and Allan to see if they knew anyone from Seattle that they could give me the address of. In the end, Allan gave me a fake address in Seattle, and they finally let me board the plan. I finally got on the plane, and found my seat. Funny little story. There was this little kid who was assigned the seat next to me, he was about 4 or 5 years old. He looks at me and says to his mom "You sit beside him, I don't want to sit beside the China guy" I laughed a little, he was just a little kid so I wasn't really offended. Anyways, the kid sits next to me and we start talking. We talked about his Christmas holidays and the presents he got for Christmas. He read me a story staring our favourite Curious George. I even played "Crazy 8's" and "Go Fish" with him and his mom. A really cute kid, and they had a really cute dog on board the plane too. Seriously, I am great with kids. So, I landed in Vancouver as a stop over to my flight to Seattle. When I got to baggage claim, I couldn't find my beautiful, beautiful skis. I searched and searched, but I coudln't find them and my flight to Seattle was leaving, so I didn't have time to find them. Anyways, I left a missing baggage report, but as of right now, I still don't know where they are. So, I got on the plane and flew to Seattle where Gus and his friend Will met me. We had dinner at a really nice Italian place, the food was really good. After dinner, I went over to Gus' place and we just hung out and stuff. We looked pictures and talked about the good ol' day from university. I haven't seen Gus in quite a while, and we got caught up on what everyone's been up to and the gossip that Gus has been missing out on. So, that my first flight on my own, what an experience.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

There are some really strange people out there. This morning I take the VIVA to work, and this crazy guy steps on the bus. You guys know the crazy public transit people I'm talking about, the ones that are talking to themselves and yelling at nobody. Well, I'm still kind of uncomfortable being around him, and the guy is obviously "special" in some way, but I'm pretty sure he's harmless, so fine. Then I'm walking from the subway to my office, and I watch this girl charge straight into the guy walking in front of me, almost pushing him into a bunch of stuff in a store. I'm thinking, "she must know this guy, that's kind of funny", and when she looks at me, I smile and laugh a little. Then, as I'm walking past her, she sticks out her leg and tries to trip and she says "sorry, I didn't see you there". Now I'm thinking, "this girl is really messed up, what the eff is wrong with her?" That's when I hear someone call out my name, it's Neeta. I turn around and I watch that girl plow straight into Neeta. What a strange girl, the one who tried to trip me was kinda strange too. Some really weird people out there.

So, yesterday was fun. After work, I met up with Neeta and Ryan and we went out for dinner. Ryan's been talking about a really nice Indian restaurant, so we decided to check it out. The food there was great, the best Indian food I've ever had, but then again, I really haven't tried too much Indian food. Well, the food was good, but the portions were tiny, and we were all still hungry after we ate all the food that we ordered. So, we pretty much ordered a second meal. Anyways, it ended up costing me more than I've ever spent on a meal. Pretty pricey, but then again, I'm also pretty stingy.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Well, yesterday was a lot of fun. After work, I met up with Jon and Allan for sushi buffet, with special guests Britta, aka B. Knight, and Puja, aka PhunkMasta P. I haven't seen Britta and Puja for the past 3 years or so, it was really nice seeing them again. While stuffing our faces with raw fish, we talked about the good ol' day from high school and where everybody is today. Well, I had a very smart group of friends back in highschool, and it seems like everyone's doing masters, applying to med school, or in some sort of pseudo med school (chiro/vet/dent), or becoming lawyers. We also discussed old flames from back in highschool, including big, beautiful, hypnotic eyes, as well as new flames that will ignite once prerequisites of med school acceptance are met. Some people are even engaged, which is pretty crazy. I wonder who I'll be with, say 5 years down the road. I guess only time will tell. It was a really fun dinner.

After dinnner, we all came over to my place. Why my place you ask? It's obvious, cuz I got the Bowflex. Seriously, that Bowflex has changed my life in so many ways I can't even begin to imagine how my life would be without it. It's sculpted and molded my life in more ways than one. We tried to play a little DDR, but the PS2 was acting up again. Nat and Laurie (who I also haven't seen in years) came over and we played some poker. We flipped through my yearbook while playing poker, wondering what everyone was up to and throwing up ideas of highschool reunions. Nat took home the pot, meaning I'm winless for the last three games of poker. I think they're onto my strategy, I never bluff. It was a really fun night.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

So, I've had a pretty enjoyable weekend so far. On Friday, I met up with Jon and Allan, and we had a little dinner. We decided to rent "40 year old virgin" and watch it at my place, it was a pretty funny movie, but it really seemed to drag on towards the end. My cousins Mark and Justin were also at my place, and Nat stopped by and we all played a bit of poker. I was pretty disappointed that Nat took home the pot.

On Saturday, Jon, Nat, Pramod and I went to Blue Mountain for a little warmup for our Whistler trip. Let me tell ya, the snow conditions were amazing! Quite possibly the best conditions I've ever skied in. The temperature was a nice -5, just about every run was open, not a single icy patch on the moutain, and plenty of well groomed natural snow. It really was quite a treat carving up that moutain on my beautiful brand new skis. Also, to top things off, Nat graciously offered to buy a round of nice and warm hot chocolate for all of us. Thanks Nat! A really fun day.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

So, last night I went to fellowship again, it was pretty fun. We had a small little gift exchange thing, it was all right. I bought my gift from a small hobbies/games store near Bay/Bloor, tt was a pretty cool gift. I bought a gag lighter, and when tried to use it, it would give you a small electric shock, and it REALY worked. Just about everyone who tried it dropped it instantly, and some of the girls even screamed, I think I gave a little yelp when I tried it. It was pretty funny. I don't know too many people who smoke, but next time you ask me for a lighter, beware. I got 2 decks of pretty neat playing cards.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

This post is dedicated to Jon, Allan, and all other Warcraft III Frozen Throne haters out there.

So, yesterday, I got home, had dinner, and decided to play Warcraft with Dwight. So I drove myself over to the internet cafe and we played Warcraft. What a great night for Warcraft. Dwight and had a 5 game winning streak, but finished off with a loss. Dwight and I are trying a new strategy where he uses undead, focusing on getting the ranged units consisting of Crypt Fiends, Obsidian Statues, and Destroyers. I focus on getting the "meat" and go for 2 barracks making Footmen with defense and teching up to Knights. We're trying a new strategy where we go for a strong rush with 2 barracks making men, upgrading defense for footmen, and getting items from the shop. This has proven very effective since we won 5 straight games last night. What a great night for Warcraft.

Monday, December 12, 2005

A quick weekend update post. Friday, had a hot pot fellowship dinner.

Saturday, dim sum and errands with Mama-D and Loser-J. Nat and Allan came over for bowflex and PS2. Dwight came over and we hung out and watched the Leafs game, followed by warcraft.

Sunday, finally watched "Crash", good movie. Went for a swim with Nat and Allan.

Friday, December 09, 2005

So, yesterday after work, I met up with Ryan for a little dinner. We decided we'd try a Korean restaurant in North K-town, by Finch station. My food was delicious, I had Bulgogi (sp?) cuz that's all the Korean food I've had before, and I know I like it. I also noticed a lot of cute girls in that restaurant, definately a lot more cute girls than if I went to say... dim sum. I think Jon and Allan may be onto something with that whole Korean culture thing. Afterwards, Ryan and I went to an internet cafe and played some 3v3 warcraft with Dwight.

So, this morning I left the house at 8:00 and got to work at 10:30. It took me 2.5 freakin hours to get to work this morning. WTF is up with that? The weird thing was, I slept the entire way on the bus, and didn't even realize it took me an extra hour to get to work. I got to work an hour late, and was wondering what happened to that hour of my life. It's a very eerie and unsettling feeling when time suddenly goes missing and you're not sure what happened to it.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Yesterday, the unthinkable happened, the unimaginable occurred, the term "Bowflex challenge" will forever have a new meaning for me. The challenge will no longer be to "burn fat, build muscle, get the results you want in only 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week" but to never let Allan "Prom King" Kwong lift more weight than me ever again. Yes, it's sad, but it's true, last night Allan did lift more weight than me on the Bowflex. He disgraced me, and utterly humiliated me in my own home when he bent 5 lbs of power rods more than me on the shoulder raises. Who would have known when I took him under my wings a mere two weeks ago, that the apprentice would become the master in such a short period of time. Quickly, someone call the plumber! Allan's pipes are about to burst! Anyways, the only solution I can think of that will amend this problem, is to never let Allan touch the Bowflex again. Maybe two years from now, and after I've gained about 50 lbs of muscle will Allan be allowed to set foot in the Bowflexing area again.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

So, yesterday was pretty fun. I met up with an old coworker, Pramod, to watch the Leafs game. The Leafs played the Kings last night, and Pramod's a Kings fan for some reason, even though he's from Ottawa, and the Sens are on fire this season. Anyways, it was fun, we went to some sports bar in Etobicoke called Bert and Ernie's. It was jokes, the guy's got some serious lady issues, but then again, what guy doesn't. Well, it was fun, except that the Leafs lost 2~1. Kings suck.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Well, I had a fun weekend. On Friday after work, I met up with Allan do pick up my skis and do a little shopping. We went to Hillcrest, and first thing's first, we picked up my skis. Wow, they are sooooooo beatiful! I can't wait to carve up the slopes of Whistler with them. And my boots, they're sooooooo comfortable, I just love them. Allan and I are both looking for runners, and Allan heard there's a buy 1, get the 2nd for half off sale at Foot Locker, and he also had a coupon for Foot Locker, so we went shopping for shoes. Nothing caught our attention, niether of us bought anything. After shopping, Allan came over for a back and bis workout on the bowflex. Nat came over later, and he brought over some of his friends. Nat's friends were hilarious, he told them he was coming over to use the bowflex, and they decided to tag along just to check it out. I showed them how to do a bench press on the bowflex, they all tried it out, and they were sold. They all wanted to purchase a bowflex on the spot. It was absolutely hilarious. One of Nat's friend that he brought over was someone that I knew back in highschool, Johnny. I haven't seen Johnny much since highschool, and when I saw him on Friday, he was saying how much bigger I got. Well, I gotta say, I love it when people notice I've gained weight, but the way they were going on, even I was getting embarrassed, pure jokes. Allan also gave each of them back adjustments, and we also played some poker.

On Saturday, I headed down town to meet up with Neeta, Dwight, Ryan and Eric. We had a little lunch, and then went out to watch the "Blue Man Group". I loved it. I thought it was absolutely hilarious, and the percussions were amazing. It's kind of hard to describe the show, but I thought it was great and I recommend seeing it for yourself. After the show, we went back to Neeta's place and went for a quick swim in her pool. After a fun swim, we had dinner at Spring Rolls which was delicious. After dinner, we went back to Neeta's where Neeta, Ryan and I just hung out and played a little Taboo. It was a fun day, I crashed at Neeta's.

Sunday we slept in, and didn't do much in the morning. Mostly watched Neeta take an online IQ test. That girl can be really competitive with certain things, and really sucked the fun out of a simple IQ test when she got stumped on a question, but it was pretty funny. I went home in the afternoon and met up with Allan for a little lap swimming. I was actually really surprised when I jumped in and I wasn't too out of shape. I went for a quick swim about 2 weeks ago, and I was practically drowning. I felt a lot stronger on Sunday, and the swam felt pretty good. We even got to go down the water slide, thanks to Allan's connections. After our swim, I went home for dinner. After dinner, I finished off the weekend playing a little more warcraft with Dwight.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

So, yesterday after work, I got on the bus and took it home as usual. I've been pretty busy Monday and Tuesday, and had to stay late both days, so I've been pretty exhausted. I decided last night that I wasn't going to have another late night in the office. The bus ride home was actually pretty relaxing, I had a really nice nap on the bus. I got woken up by Nat calling me on my cell phone asking me where I was, I was supposed to meet him at Blockbusters to get a movie. I got up, looked around a bit, and realized that I had no clue where I was. I slept way past my stop and was somewhere in Aurora. Thank goodness Nat woke me up, I'm pretty sure I woulda slept all the way to New Market if he hadn't. Anyways, I get off the bus a little peeved having missed my stop and crossed the street to take the bus back the other direction. I get to Blockbuster and meet up with Nat where I buy "Crash" on DVD, we then headed over to my place to watch it. I get home and talk to my brother for a bit, and he asks where the van is. That's when I realize that I actually drove to work in the morning, and shoulda drove home instead of taking the bus. Now I'm really pissed cuz now I gotta drive back to Finch station and pick up the van. Oh well, I guess everyone has days like that. After I brought the van back home, Andrew brought back a pizza from Pizza Hut, and then Allan showed up for yet another shoulder Bowflex workout, and so I was happy again.

Thanks to everyone who called or wrote me an email. I really appreciate it.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Congrats to Jason for passing his driver's test yesterday! Hip-Hip-Horray!

Monday, November 28, 2005

On Saturday, I met up with Neets, and we did a little digicam shopping. I gotta say, I love shopping with Neeta, it's always nice shopping with people who aren't afraid to spend a little money. Shopping with people who buy a lot of stuff make me feel a little less guilty about buying a shirt for $20 with 20% off coupon, regularly priced at $60. That was a tough decision. After shopping, we met up wight Dwight and Naomi and we went out for dinner. Dinner was tasty, and I got to eat Naomi's dinner as well as my own, great. After dinner, we hung out at Neeta's place for a while and looked at some pictures on her laptop from university. Some really great memories and pictures, especially pics of me. Afterwards, Dwight and I headed out for a little Warcraft action.

Sunday, Dwight and I woke up and got our day started with a little DDR and Katamari Damaci. We had brunch at Golden Griddle which was pretty good. After brunch, a little more Warcraft. Yeah Jon, a little more Warcraft. Dwight took off to his friend's place, and I went over to Nat's to practice a little guitar. It was good, a couple more practices, and we'll be ready for our great performance. I went with Nat's family for a Congee Wong dinner. Thank you Lam family for your hospitality, it was much appreciated. After dinner, Nat and I went to my place and waited for Allan to show up for yet another bowflex workout. Nat and I waited outside in the cold with snowballs and ambushed Allan when he got to my place, it was jokes. We had a good chest and tris workout while playing Star Wars (thanks Jon). Good times.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

So, yesterday was a fun night. Good ol' Justin's back from Boston because of Thanksgiving weekend in the states, so we made plans to get together. After work, Justin, Allan, Jimi, Jason and I got together for Japanese buffet for dinner, delicious. During dinner, we discussed what we were going to do after dinner. Original plans was possibly to play poker, but we had a big discussion about gambling, and we thought it might be best if we passed on poker for a while. In the end, I came up with a great idea, and we decided to go to Dave & Buster's instead. D&B was a lot of fun. It may seem pretty stupid playing for those tickets, but it's actually a lot of fun and turned out to be pretty exciting. There's this one game where a light and goes spinning around a circle really really fast, and you gotta stop the light on the jackpot. One try, one spin, one jackpot, 1000 tickets. I used the tickets to get myself a poker set, Justin and Allan used their tickets to purchase stupid magic tricks. After D&B, we went over to Allan's place and put the new poker chips and magic tricks to good use. Allan and Justin gave me a nice magic show. We then played poker. I'm very disappointed to say that I lost, Allan took home the pot.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Well, I've been pretty good with the working out since I got my free week membership at Goodlife. Tuesday I did back and bis, yesterday I had another incredible leg workout in preparation for Whistler. Also did some swimming which was good. After working out, I went over to Neeta's and had some dinner and just hung out at her place. We practiced a little BJ, she's really starting to get the hang of it. I played as the house, while she played 4 hands at a time. Had we been playing for money, and her betting $15 for each hand, she woulda been up a good $300. She was on quite a roll, we shoulda dropped everything that night and made a quick stop off at Niagra.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

So, yesterday after work, I went back to Sportscheck and changed my two left ski boots for a left and a right. It all went smoothly without a hitch, what a steal! Proud of my ski purchase on Sunday, I decided to buy myself a tennis raquet. Got home and worked out with Allan. That guy is such a trooper!

Monday, November 21, 2005

So, another very exciting weekend update. So, Jon finished up his greulling exams on Wednesday, so he decided to come home for the weekend, so him, Allan and I decided to hit up Casino Niagra for the weekend. Participants for the shopping/casino adventure include me, Jason, Jon, Allan and Neeta, however, first thing's first, before leaving for the casino, I woke up bright and early and did a little bowling with Nat and some of his friends. After bowling and after lunch, I picked up everyone and we made our way to Buffalo to do a little shopping in the States before the casino. We crossed the border without a hitch. We went to Boulevard mall and did some shopping. Everyone bought some stuff from Abercrombie, except for me, being the stingy bastard that I am. After shopping, we had dinner at Chili's, which was really really delicious. After dinner, we headed back to Canada and headed to the casino. We crossed the border once again without any problems. I attribute this to a combination of charm and confidence. We went to the casino, and went straight to the black jack tables. Outcomes for the night are Allan: didn't play, Jon: lost a quick $100, then piggy-backed on Neeta's luck and made back his $100 at the end of the night to break even, Neeta: used her beginner's luck to her advantage to make $130 and pay for her shopping in the states, Nick: big winner of the night made $200 to help finance his skis on Sunday (continue reading to learn more about that), Jason: won back his $2.80 on slots, whatever the eff that means. It also appears that I've turned Neeta into quite the black jack addict, she's going back to Buffalo on Monday, and wants to stop by the casino again. Looks like I got myself a new gambling buddy. After the casino, we went to Timmy's to celebrate our victory... horray!

On Sunday, I first met up with Neeta, Ernie, Krista, and Raylene for lunch at Dimitri's. My "gourmet" pizza was absolutely disgusting, but I ate it anyways. After lunch, I met up with Jon at Fairview, and we did some shopping for skis. What a ram jam! They were having a store closing sale at Sportscheck, so everything was 80 ~ 20% off, and the Chinese people were everywhere. It was a mad fight and scramble to get the best ski equipment at the best price. In the end, I got everything I needed and what a steal! Thanks to Jon for coming with me and helping me out with my fine ski purchase. I am now prepared for my trip to Whistler a month from now, except that I bought two left ski boots by accident, and have to go to Sportscheck today to fix that up. Got home, and Bowflexed it up with Allan while quizing my bro for his driver's test today. And that's the weekend update.

Friday, November 18, 2005

So, yesterday was pretty fun. After work, I met up with Neets and we had dinner at Neeta's favourite Italian place in Toronto, Pasta Perfection. Dinner was really delicious, almost perfect, it woulda been perfect if the portions were bigger, but it was all right. After dinner we did some shopping and headed back to Neeta's place. She spontaneously bought a scarf and two plants, making me feel a little less guilty about my recent shopping habbits. When we got to Neeta's place, I went to the Goodlife downstairs and had a crazy legs workout (I recently got a free week pass to Goodlife). I'm really feeling the effects of the workout right now. I've now worked out at that Goodlife as many times as Neeta. After my workout, we watched the movie "Water". It's a very artsy, deep and meaningful kind of movie, so I can't really say it was a bad movie because it really does make you think. However, I will say it was a very slow movie, and kinda boring. I didn't actually fall asleep, but it definitely took some effort on my part.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

So, yesterday after work, I went to fellowship again. It was a pretty good fellowship, Jimi couldn't make it cuz he was sick. It was a praise and worship night, so there was a lot of sharing and singing involved. After playing guitar for fellowship the previous week, I decided I'd play a song or two this week. Things went well, I played "Faithful Father" and "Let Your Glory Fall". After fellowship, I went to the internet cafe and played warcraft with Dwight. You like that Jon?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

So, the bowflex challenge continues. Last night, Nat and Allan came over for yet another bowflex session, we did back and bis. It was a pretty good workout, but more importantly it, it was a bowflex workout, so who can complain? One interesting point of the night. Allan, as usual, was complaining the entire time about having to do another set. So, I finally had enough, and on the last set, I gave him some slack and started to move onto the next exercise. To my utter surprise, Allan noticed I was cutting his last set, and told me he actually wanted to do another set, and really worked it! Now, that showed me he has at least some dedication, he may have a bowflex body yet. Nat on the other hand was slacking by playing PS2. He was holding up the entire workout trying to get another game of Star Wars (thanks Jon) in. I was not impressed.

So, this morning, on my way to work from the subway, I noticed all of the Christmas decorations (much like Jon's post) . All the decorations have got me thinking that the holidays are coming up soon, and that thought got me all excited. Cuz of the holidays and the Christmas spirit? Cuz of families opening presents together on Christmas morning in front of the fireplace? No no no, I'm excited because of WHISTLER!! Plane tickets are booked, and I am pumped for this trip! It's a little over a month till we depart for our skiing adventure. For people attending this trip, it's time to start geting excited!! Ski shopping starts this weekend, daily squats and leg strengthening exercises begin tonight!

Monday, November 14, 2005

Weekend updater, I'll get straight to the point since all my blogs tend to do that. So, I had a fun weekend, on Friday after work, I met up with Eric, my bros and Jeanne and we went out for dinner cuz it was my brother's (Jason) birthday. We went to Cassey's, the food was all right. After dinner, we went back home, and Eric and I practiced some guitar. We practiced "You're Beautiful" by some guy, I forget his name, it's a pretty good song.

Saturday, Eric and I got up early to attended some kind of lecture for his church. The topics of discussion were "Does a God really exist?", "Artifacts that support the bible", and "Other religions". The speaker was actually pretty interesting, and he definately knew a lot of what he was talking about, but I think I've heard it all before. After the lecture, Eric and I met up with Ryan and we went to dinner at Congee Wong, which was great. After dinner, we all went over to Ryan's place and watched "The Mask of Zoro". We watched the movie cuz I've never actually seen the entire movie, and in case we wanted to watch the second movie in theatres. After the movie, we went back home, Nat stopped by for a bit and we played some PS2. I also had an arm wrestling match with Eric. (see comments to find out who won)

On Sunday, I dropped Eric off at the bus station and got myself a long overdue haircut. After lunch, Allan and I went to Vaughn Mills and did a little shopping. I bought another shirt, which I really gotta stop doing. We also discussed how Nat also wants to take me shopping. He told me he thinks I shouldn't shop with Allan for American Eagle stuff, and go shopping with him at Sportscheck to get more athletic clothes. Apparently I'm like silly putty, here to be molded into the image of those around me. It's like I have no real identity of my own, except for being vain and having a bowflex body. Anyways, after shopping, we went back to my place. My cousins came over too, and we had a strange mix of working out on the Bowflex, playing PS2 and Yu-Gi-Oh. I also don't think Nat or Allan can make fun of me for having a bowflex body anymore, since they now come over to my place to use it. In fact, I really think I should start charging them each time they wonna use it.

I also left my msn on at work over the weekend. Apologies to anyone who tried messaging me.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

So, I went to fellowship again the other night. It might be something that I try to attend regularly. We stuffed shoe boxes with a whole bunch of little things that's gonna get sent over to third world countries. It's a really nice idea that little things like pencils or little toys that you get from the dollar store can mean to world to someone else in a third world country. It's a very nice idea. Also, I had dinner with Jimi again before fellowship, and he told me he was going to sing a few worship songs for fellowship. He asked me if I'd play a song, and for some reason I agreed. So, with only a minute before hand to practice, I picked up the guitar and played "Enough" for the biggest turn out for fellowship I'd ever seen. Even though I sucked, and had zero practice time, it was nice. I think I wonna practice more guitar so I can get good enough to play in front of people.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Well, yesterday I learned one very important thing. Neeta LIES!!!

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Well, yesterday was pretty fun. After work, I met up with Ryan for dinner. For those who don't know/remember, his b-day was on the 6th, so we got together at Boston pizza for some grub. It was fun, Ryan's been really busy the past little while studying for his actsci exam, so I haven't gotten a chance to see him much.

After dinner, to my surprise and delight, Allan (yes, Allan Kwong), asked me if we could workout on my bowflex. It was such a treat having a workout partner for our chest and tris workout. I already told Allan this, but if I am vain, it's from working out. Every guy who worksout checks the mirror to see if he got bigger. Well, I'm not sure if Allan's serious about getting into shape, but if he is, in combination with his superficial/snobby attitude, it's not going to be pretty.

Monday, November 07, 2005

So, to conclude my weekend in London, on Sunday I was woken up by Jon rushing in to catch the end of the afro painter. I love that show with all the happy little trees and streams, what a pick me up. Jon, Allan and I hung out for a bit, then went to a Japanese buffet for lunch. Japanese buffet is always great, except that they ram-jamed all of our sushi onto one plate. After lunch, we picked up Nat and Jere, said goodbye to Olga, and made our way back home. A very chillaxing yet exhausting weekend. Overused jokes from this weekend include: me and my bowflex body, me being the vainest person on the planet, me wanting to grow up to be Allan.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

So, weekend update, it's been a fun weekend so far. I'm in Jon's bachelor pad right now, and the Leafs are beating Tampa 4~3. I'm gonna say right now that Leaf's are gonna win. Anyways, after work on Friday, Nat, Allan, Jere and I headed up to London for the weekend. We got to London around 10 and met up with Olga and her appartment mate. We had some troubles in deciding what to that night, it was a toss up between bubble tea, and a bar. Being the true asians that we are, we went to bubble tea. Olga/Jere and I handidly took Nat and Allan in a quick game of Signal. Crahsed at Olga's place.

Saturday we took our time getting up. Had lunch and did a little shopping at the mall. After a little shopping, we headed over to watch Olga's softball game. After the softball game, we took a little tour of Western. I gotta say, it's a nice campus, but I gotta stay true to my roots... Waterloo pride all the way! (can't belive I wrote that on my blog) Anyways, after my little tour of campus, we met up with Jon, and went to McGinnis to watch the Leafs beat Tampa. Fun and relaxing weekend so far, but the night is still young.

Thursday, November 03, 2005

So, yesterday was pretty fun. After work, I went over to Jimi's place and had dinner before heading out to fellowship. I like this fellowship cuz first of all, I have some friends there who I really care about, who I really don't get to see enough outside of fellowship. Also, the fellowship is really small, and the people there appear to be really sincere and caring. For those who don't know, I'm kind of between the fences on how I feel about Christianity, and the problem I have with some fellowships is that sometimes the people seem a little insincere and more concerned about my relationship with God than me. I like this fellowship because the people really seem to care about me, and not just my spiritual status. We'll see how this turns out...

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

So, yesterday I had a jam session with Nat, it was fun. He got a dvd of how to play songs by "Shand & Shane", a Christian rock band. They make it look so easy, or maybe I just really suck and haven't practiced in 3 years since I got my guitar. Anyways, Nat and I plan on perfecting this song, it's got 2 guitar parts and a duet and everything, so it'll give me something to work on for the next little while.

Monday, October 31, 2005

Joke from when I was a kid...

"Why can't ghosts have babies?"

(see comments for answer)
Well, I had an unexpectedly busy weekend. It's Monday, and I'm at work, but I haven't been home since when I left for work on Friday.

After work on Friday, I met up with Jimi for dinner. After dinner, I headed over to 'loo to visit Dwight. We had a small ping pong tournament. Now, I'm pretty cocky when it comes to ping pong, but especially when playing a white boy like Dwight. But boy did he humble me, beating me 5 game to 0. And believe me, I can be pretty scary when I start getting competitive, I didn't laugh or even smile the entire match, and he still beat me without even breaking a sweat. I got smoked this time, but I promise you (Dwight), next time things'll be different. After ping pong, we headed over to the Cove for some warcraft. Even though we had a winning night, the whole night was just a mess, thanks to Ping.

Saturday, we slept in and took our time getting up. We headed to TO in the afternoon to meet up with Neets. We had lunch and hung out at Neeta's apartment for a bit. We met up with Naomi, and headed to a haunted house in Stouffville. It was a ton of fun. It was kinda cold, and the line up took forever, but I'll never forget me and Neeta getting chased into a dead end by a guy with a chainsaw. It was absolutely hilarious/terrifying.

Sunday we woke up and went for a nice and long swim. Dwight, Neeta and I invented a new pool game where we throw my bracelet in the middle of the pool and fight to get it. It was a lot of fun. After our little swim, we headed out for lunch and a little shopping. Dwight headed back to 'loo, and me and Neets took a nap. After our nap, we had dinner, and met up with Naomi and her roommate to watch Saw II. Dwight, Neets and I watched Saw back in 'loo, and it was one of the funniest nights ever, so we decided to watch Saw II before haloween. The movie was pretty good, similar to the Saw. It was a fun and exhausting weekend.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

So, this morning on the subway I met my kindred spirit. This girl on the subway was wearing her shoes, except that they were half on, and the backs were all stepped on the same way I do! She wasn't very attractive, and she was kinda overweight, but I felt we had a real connection and I was about to ask her out. But seriously, after seeing someone other than me half wear a shoe, I gotta say, it's pretty unattractive. The shoe's dangling off the foot, and you can see the heel of the foot showing, it's actually kinda gross. Since I've started buying my own clothes and started caring about what I look like, I think I've out grown the whole half shoes on thing.

I also watched DOOM with Nat and my cousins and bro last night. Sorry Nat, it wasn't a good movie. I don't recomend anyone watching that movie.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

So last night I hung out with some coworkers after work, it was fun. There was a stand up comedy night at a bar, so Will, Gabriel and I decided to attend. The food (which got charged to the company) was really good, which is more than I can say about the comedians. Well, some of them were all right, they got a chuckle out of me at best. I was hoping Chris Rock would show up and make an appearance.

On a different note, I was talking to my pseudo doctor friend Allan the other day, and it's been an ongoing debate whether or not chiropractors are real doctors are not. I feel, while chiropractors are highly respectable, are not real doctors. And this applies to dentists and vets as well. In my humble opinion, you gotta be able to prescribe medicine to humans to be considered a doctor. Does anyone have any opinions/comments? Post what you think, and we'll get this issue settled once and for all.

Monday, October 24, 2005

So, I had a really fun/exhausting weekend. Well, it was convocation weekend for Waterloo students who finished in the summer, so Rach and Justin were flying in from Seattle for the weekend. I met up with Neets after work, and after meeting up with Naomi and dropping off her car, trained over to 'sauga to meet up with Rach and Justin. Met up with Rach and Justin and we headed over to Dwight's place in 'loo. On Friday night we went over to McMullen's for drinks. Met up with Eric, Costa, Stewart and Paul at McMullen's. Just for the record, Neeta did beat me in fooseball, but I guarantee it will not always the the case. Was a fun night.

Saturday was convocation. The convocation started at 2:00, but the morning was so hectic since nobody really knew what was gonig on, and people had to meet up with family and stuff. I didn't actually go to the convocation, I already went through mine, and that was enough for me. Instead, me and Dwight played a little warcraft, sorry Naomi. After the convocation, we all got together for pictures and stuff. After all the picture taking, Naomi and I went with Neeta and her family back to TO. We had dinner at a Chinese/Indian fusion restaurant, which was perfect since Neets doesn't like Chinese food, but Chinese/Indian food is fine. The food was actually really good. On Saturday night, Neets, Naomi and I went to one of Neeta's coworker's party. The party was all right. After the party, I read Neets and Naomi a bedtime story.

Sunday morning we woke up early for a nice swim in Neet's pool. I was her swimming instructor, and I gotta say, she made some huge improvements. She's gonna be the next Olympic champion any day now. After our little swim, we met up with Ryan for a little dim sum. Of course, I loved it, and I hope everyone else did too. When I got home, I crashed until dinner. My grandma and aunt from New York are visiting us for the weekend, so we all went out for dinner. Anyways, it was a really fun weekend, and I'm really glad I got to see a bunch of people. I'm at work right now, and so exhausted, I seriously got like 5 hours of sleep the entire weekend.

Friday, October 21, 2005

So, yesterday was pretty fun. I met up with Nat after work and had a quick meal. So, Nat plays volleyball every Thursday with some co-workers as a part of a league thing. I decided I'd tag along and support him since his team's 0-5, and could definitely use the support. Well, they had some people missing, so I got to play a bit. We were up by 20 points at the half, and feeling pretty confident/cocky, but ended up losing by 5. What a devastating loss.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

The best part/only good thing about waking up at 6:30 am, and this chilly time of season is that when I wait for the bus in the morning, I get out at the perfect time to see the sun raise. Now, I'm sure we've all seen the sun raise, but it was just a night thought I had this morning.

So, yesterday was a fun night. I had dinner with Jimi after work, at this place called Green Mango. It's this kinda Thai fast food place, and it seems to be our place to go when we eat down town. Well, after dinner, we went to fellowship, which I haven't gone to in months, but have really been meaning to go to. Even though there were some new faces, it was actually a lot of fun and I had a good time. We discussed goodness and stuff like that. It was also nice since I got to see Care again, who I haven't really gotten a chance to talk to since she got back from Europe. We talked about what we've been up to in the past 2 months, how work's been, etc. I've seriously been meaning to meet up with her at some point, and it's nice we got to hang out for a bit.

Monday, October 17, 2005

So, I had a pretty fun weekend. On Saturday, I went to 'sauga to visit Eric and do some shopping. We first had steak at his place, and then headed out to an outlet mall to do some shopping. I bought a pair of dress shoes, and a pair of walking shoes. Eric was shopping for dress pants. After shopping, Eric and I went over to the gym and had a great chest workout. After dropping off Eric, I went to 'loo to visit with Dwight. We had dinner, played some WC, and hung out for a bit on Saturday. On Sunday, we watched one of the greatest movies of all time... THE WIZARD!!! I haven't seen that movie in ages, and I was worried that when I watched the movie again, I would be expecting too much and the movie would disappoint me. Fortunately I was wrong... I think I actually enjoyed the movie even more now than when I was a kid. I love the characters, and the script is still amazing. "The power glove, it's so bad". After the movie, We did a little bit of shopping for Dwight's dress shoes. Then we went to the driving range. The driving range was cool cuz there's this platform that you can drive off of. So even if you hit grounders, since you're elevated, the ball still goes somewhere, and good shots go just that much further. When I got home Sunday, I watched "28 Days Later", a pretty good movie.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Long weekend update. Well I had a pretty enjoyable/relaxing long weekend. Jon was back home for the long weekend, so we got to hang out a bit this weekend. Saturday morning started out with a little bowling with Nat, Jon, Jason, Mark and Justin. I bowled two decent games, but the second team game consisting of Jon, Jason and I got destroyed. Pretty disappointing. Later that night, Allan joined us at St. Louis to watch another disappointing Leafs game. After the game, we headed over to my place and played a round of poker, hate to brag, but I won. Nat, Mark and Justin didn't play for money, instead they each had to do 120 pushups. Now, I definately would have rather gotten some extra cash, but watching each of them do 120 pushups proved to be pretty entertaining.

Sunday began with about 5 episodes of "Flame of Reca". Mark and Justin stayed over the previous night, so we watched a bunch of anime in the morning. Spent the afternoon fiddling around with my new/old computer that I got setup. Played some pool with Jon and KennyG at night. Lowlight of the night: not winning a single game of pool. Highlight of the night: fooseball champion!!!

On Monday, I played a little WC with Dwight. We seriously had the best game of our entire warcraft career. I won't go into it on this blog, but it was fun. It got a 10 for our saved replays. For dinner, we had a big thanksgiving dinner with Helen and Ray chinese style... We went to Chui Chow Boy where I ate like a pig. Food was delicious, and we topped off our dinner with a red bean float... delicious!!!

Friday, October 07, 2005

So, yesterday was a pretty fun night... After work, me and Neeta hung out for a bit. We had dinner at an Indian buffet... the food was all right, conversation was hilarious... hang in there Neets, it's all about patience! Did a little bit of shopping afterwards, which seems to be my new thing to do. After shopping, we went to Indigo for a bit, but don't worry, I didn't read any books... Had a coffee at starbucks, and just hung out for a while. It doesn't sound like we did much, but it turned out to be a really fun night.

Thursday, October 06, 2005

What a disappointing night... Leafs lost to the Sens in a shoot out the other night... Allan and I were over at Nat's place watching the first game of the season the other night. Even though the Leafs had the lead almost the entire game, they were being outplayed by the Sens... oh well...

Right now I'm at work, things are good around here. My company signed a contract with our first client the other day, which is pretty exciting. Also, I brought in some art work from university which is now hung on the walls of the office, which is even more exciting. This morning's been pretty fun, I've been thinking of lyrics to a new song that I'm writting... it's called "More than Back Cracking". Maybe I'll post the lyrics to this site when I'm done.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

So, yesterday was an exhausting night. Nat invited me to a basketball practise that he goes to every week. Now I really suck at basketball, but it's something I want to get better at, so this was a good opportunity to practise. I found out that I'm really really out of shape. I thought I was a person who kept in pretty good shape, but after 10 minutes on the court I was breathing pretty hard. It was fun, but I got a long road ahead if I plan on making the NBA.

Monday, October 03, 2005

So, after a little DimSum in the morning with my mom and bro, I did a little shopping with my buddy Allan. Since getting my job, I've been trying to dress better and wearer nicer clothes. Allan's been my main consultant for fashion advice. So, I bought myself a new sweater from Roots, and I think it looks really cool, but when I see myself in a mirror, I look like a totally different person. Then later that night, KennyG said I'm starting to look like Allan's twin, which kind of worries me. I got no problems dressing nicer, or asking friends for help with things I don't know too much about (how to dress), but I wonder if I'm taking it too far when people start confusing me with someone else. I guess what I'm thinking is, by trying to dress better, am I simply trying to improve the way I look, or is my personality changing, and that's why I want to dress better? I hope I don't change...

Sunday, October 02, 2005

On friday, I met up with Neets after work, and we had dinner before meeting up with Eric. Before heading to 'sauga, we stopped by at Timmy's to witness Allan and KennyG studying in action. At Timmy's, I happen to bump into Oliver and Victor, who I haven't seen since highschool. It was cool meeting up with people I haven't seen in ages. So, after me and Neets chilled at Eric's for a bit. Just hung out and played some guitar.

Saturday was a great Wonderland weekend. Ryan joined us in the morning, and we took off to Wonderland. It was a lot of fun. We didn't go on too many roller coasters, cuz they make Neeta sick, but went on a bunch of those spinning rides that make sick instead. After Wonderland, we went to a Japanese buffet. I ate like a pig. Good food and good times. After that, we decided to watch a movie. I was a little reluctant with Eric's pick "Playing by Heart". But it was actually a really good movie.

Friday, September 30, 2005

So, funny story, at least in my opinion. In my office, we're starting a shared mp3 folder, and one of my coworkers has some music from a Japanese cartoon. So, we're listening to the song, and I'm getting into it cuz it's friday, and I like japanese music. Now, my office is joint with another company, soI look over and a guy from the other company is giving me this look like "this is the worse crap I've ever heard in my life". So he comes over and says, "I'm as multicultural as the next guy, but we're gonna have to do something about the music around here". So that probably wasn't funny, but it was funny at the time, and it's friday and I'm looking forward to a weekend of Wonderland and volleyball.

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Well, the other night I had dinner with some highschool friends after work. I'm starting to feel very grown up, having dinner down town after work. It was fun, we went to Marche's at BCE place. I had the half chicken dinner which was good. After Marche's, we went over to McDonalds to fill up on McChicken sandwiches and save some cash... I guess I'm still not so grown up afterall, it's nice that some things stay the same....

Got home and played a little warcraft with Dwight. They reset the ladder for warcraft, and we were ranked 188th in all of eastern North America for 2v2 arranged teams. We had a losing night, but the whole new ladder thing is pretty exciting.

Monday, September 26, 2005

Well, i had a pretty fun wknd... i guess it started on friday night when me, neeta and ryan went out for dinner and a movie. we went to a japanese tempanyaki place, the food was good, but kinda pricey. after the movie, we watched "Flight Plan" which was one of the crappiest movies ever. The movie was so cheesey and sappy, it serisously had me and Neeta laughing uncontrolably throughout the movie. I also got to see Neeta's new place, pretty nice, amazing location.

On saturday, i watched the Davis cup with a couple of friends. A really good match! we watched doubles champions Nester and Neidemeier beat team Belarus 3 sets to 2... an impressive match... i think the match has inspired me to become the next Canadian champion... we'll see how that turns out. After the match, we went over to my place to hang and watch a movie.

Sunday, i took what i learned on saturday and brought it to the tennis courts. Me and some friends played a good game of tennis... was fun, but i still got a ways to go from becoming the Canadian champion. In the evening, we had a family get together since my cousin's back for a week from her trip to England. Some good food, fun games, and about a billion pictures from Asia and Europe. It was really nice getting everyone together, and seeing Flora again. She won't be back again until the summer, and i'm really gonna miss her. Hopefully i'll get to see her again before she leaves.

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Well, i've had a busy couple of days... i stayed at work till eleven on monday and tuesday... it's all right though, i feel like i'm actually starting to contribute to this company... hopefully i'll start to pick things up, and simple tasks won't be so time consuming... well, today i atually got some stuff working, so i'm feeling pretty proud of myself right now... tonight, i think i'll try to leave at a reasonable hour, and just relax or go out tonight... i deserve a break!

Monday, September 19, 2005

So, this weekend I went to Waterloo to visit my workout/warcraft buddy Dwight. And as you can expect, that's literally pretty much all we did for the entire weekend. I didn't know it was humanly possible to workout and play that much warcraft in such a short period of time. We worked out 3 times and went up 4 levels in warcraft in the span of 1.5 days. It was seriously the most physically and mentally demanding weekend of my life. To those who don't know me and Dwight, it must seem like the most pathetic weekend ever. But in all seriousness, there's probably nothing more I would have rather done this weekend. We also ate like monsters which also made me happy.

I got back on Sunday afternoon, just in time for my company bbq. It was a really good time. It was the first company get together, and it really made me feel like a part of a team. Good food and good conversation and new company t-shirts brought everyone closer together.

Friday, September 16, 2005

So, yesterday was a fun night. The "Niagra Crew" got together for some dessert at Dimetries. Good times. We discussed who of us from Waterloo was truly the biggest geek, and looked back on the "good old days" from when we were still in university.

So, I came to the realization with Neeta yesterday that people are really starting to believe that I am a complete moron. I used to think people were just playing around with me, but I'm starting to think that people really believe I have a below average IQ. I used to believe that in today's society, holding a degree from one of the most prestigious technical universities in Canada was enough to prove one's worth. But apparently I was wrong, the ability to post a blog is what truly separates the men from the neanderthals. I will ponder this new realization of mine further at work...